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ArgenTICAts, Argentina, October 21-22, 1995
Noel, Rhea, Leal, Kajon   

                                         AR AK PN AL PN AL AR AK

KITTENS                                  AB AB SP SP AB AB SP SP
Palmetto's Louis Armstrong  PS            2  4 3L 3L  4  4 1L 3L
Jatul Mejubad Matana  BI                  3    1L 1L  1  2 2L 4L
Royalsiam Duchess   SI                    6  5 4S 3S  3    2S2S   
Solo Angeles Daikiri  HI                     2 2L 2L  2  3    2L
Sejet Scarface  SI                        1    5S 1S     1 1S 4S
Charme  Luiggi  CX                           3 2S 5S  5    5S 1S
Palemtto's SofiaPS                        8  6    4L     5 5L 5L
Palmetto's Al Jolson  PS                  4           6       1L
Druids Enchanted April  PS                   1 4L          3L   
Royalsiam Damira II  SI                   7    1S          4S   
Jatul Mejubad Kirk  BI                    5                3L   
Charme Pedro  CX                                  2S          3S
Charme Dali  CX                                3S          3S   
Charme Dalila  CX                                 4S          5S
Sakura Nilo  OS                                          6      
Athos  BA                                         5L            
Jatul Mejubad Spok  BI                         5L               
Kitten Count - Allbreed,  Longhair       23 21 14 13 21 21 13 14
    Shorthair                                   7  7        7  7

CHAMPIONSHIP CATS                                              
Queen King Sol  PS                        2  2 1L 3L  2  7 1L 2L
Solo Angeles La Hua De La Lagrima  HI     9  8 2L 1L  3  3 4L 7L
Murteza Amir Said of El Amante  AB        7  4 2S 1S  5  1    2S
V. Eisenstein Angie  SI                   3  1 1S     1    2S 1S
Charme Mia  CX                               6 3S 3S  7  9 5S 3S
L'Hugo Van Moustache  BI                     7 5L 4L 10  8    5L
Rascoon's Etta Place of Jatul Mejubad  M     5 3L 2L  4  4    4L
Covent Garden Rocky Rocky  PS             8  9 4L10L       2L 6L
Guillaume de L'Etrange Richard  BS             4S 5S  8  6    5S
Love Samurai  HI                                      6  2 3L 1L
Love Marlon Brandon  ES                     10    2S     5      
Denimar's Jetsetter Joli  BS              5                4S 4S
Taiman Athenea of Loving Heart  OS        1                1S   
Bruma's Abelardo  PS                      6    6L             8L
Liebe Katze For Ever My Honey  HI            3                3L
Curumin Miraima of Sejet  AB              4                3S   
Karamel Marina  PS                             8L 5L    10      
Jatul Mejubad Chico Bento  BI            10                5L   
Covent Garden Caribe  PS                          7L  4         
Lovingheart Denisse  SI                           6L       8L   
Tuamotu Mogwli  BI                             7L 9L            
Rascoon's Gun Runner of Jatul Mejubad  M      10L 8L            
Bruma's Olafito Jr  PS                            4S            
Kimera Danrarah  SI                            5D               
Barmar's Rose Royce  BI                                    6L   
Queen King Africa Mia  PS                                  7L   
Chatquirit Turandot  BI                        9L               
Championship Cat Count=Allbreed,Longhair 40 44 26 26 38 40 23 23
    Shorthair                                  17 17       16 16

Charme Dandy of Lovingheart  CX           2  1 1S 2S  1  2 3S 1S
Charme Tiffany  CX                        1  2 3S 1S  4  1 1S 2S
Jatul Mejubad Sebastian  BI               4  3 1L 1L  2  3 1L 1L
Holy Name Vasilev  SI                     3  4 2S     3    2S 3S
Alter Count  -  Allbreed,  Longhair       4  4  1  1  4  3  1  1
    Shorthair                                   3  3        3  3

HOUSEHOLD PET KITTENS                                          
Piti-Piti                                 1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1
Household Pet Kitten Count - Allbreed, S  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1

HOUSEHOLD PETS                                                 
Uncas                                     3  2 1S 1S  1  2 2S 1S
Nathaniel Cayuga                          5  3 1L 1L  4  4 1L 1L
Kurgan Tiumen Kustanai                    4  4 3S 4S  3  5 3S 4S
Igoumenitza Arachthos                     1  5 5S 2S  5  1    5S
Kamenka Androsovka Tselinograd               1 2S 3S  2  3 5S 2S
Belarus Baranovichi Soligorsh             2                4S 3S
Vanabara                                       4S 5S       1S   
Household Pet Count  - Allbreed,  Longha  7  8  1  1  7  7  1  1
   Shorthair                                    6  6        6  6

NEW BREED AND COLOOUR                                          
Karamel Mafalda  PS                       2  1 1L 1L  1  2 1L 1L
Bangladesh Semental  OS                      2 1S  2  1 4S 1S   
Karamel Chalina  PS                          3 2L 2L     5 2L 2L
Bangladesh Ayelen Paine  OS               1       2S     3 5S   
Lovingheart Samantha  OS                     5        3    1S 3S
Lovingheart Randy  OS                        4        4       2S
Lovingheart Nicky  SI                     3       3S       2S   
Lovingheart Betsy  SI                                 5  4      
Lovingheart Gary  OS                      4                3S   
Sejet Camila  SI                          5                     
NBC  Count  -  Allbreed,  Longhair                    9     2  2
   Shorthair                                                6  6
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