Garden Cat Club, New York, October 14-15, 1995 Morgan, Patrick, Savant,Nottingham, Grillo, Carruthers, Coleman, van de Water, Bailey, Rhea GM YP SS MN LG AR MC RB DC LW KITTENS AB AB AB AB AB SP SP SP SP SP Byblos Trouble In River City AB NE 3 6 1 2 5 1S 3S 4S 7S Dorwill Squire MC NE 4 2 10 10 2L 1L 1L 2L Algebra's Pocahontas OS MA 8 5 3S 2S 1S 5S 3S Naureskats Benjamin NF NE 6 9 2 3L 3L 5L 6L Satinequ's Am I Blue RB NE 1 1 4S 7S 2S10S 9S Naturskats Daniel NF NE 8 4 3 4L 8L10L 3L Coonmora Shot Silk MC NW 5 3 7 3L 5L 4L Millwood Ki Chain BG SW 2 6 4 7S 8S 1S Marvonack's Larry the Legend ES NW 7 3 9 1L 2L Apophis Mordstrom of Whiskerhill SX NE 4 3S 9S 3S 1S Minusdetails This End Up CY MA 5 9 5L10L 6L 9L Katselkamolot's Balearina SF NE 6 9S 6S S 8S 5S Claddacoon's Belleek MC NE 6 2L 9L 4L 6L Duman Leonardo Da Vinci TA NE 5L 2L 3L 1L Princess Daisy BS NE 7 8 2S 9S Hometown Squeaky BS MA 10S 9S 4S 6S 8S Kitzn's Sylvia St. Sidney BI MA 10 10 8L 7L Qt.'s Mr. Blue Jangles SL MP 10 10L 7L 7L Ratatat's Samsara of Chatlimar BO NE 1 7 Menuphar Equinox of Desertmoon SO MA 7L 2L 5L Satinequ's Sweet Lorraine PS NE 4L 8L 4L Americat Ghiardelli Chocurlate AL NE 9 9L10L10L Abycastle Cairo AB NE 1 5S Gemini June of Shiningstar MC NE 9 8S 7S Forestrun Roseann of Uniquely BG NE 4S 6S Chrischat This Ones for You ES MA 2 Pyramid Aspare T Mau of Rah EM MA 3 Naturskats Alexa NF NE 4 Millwood Double The Ante BG SW 5 Hiltonia's Chloe NF MA 1L Caseycats Ali Baba PS MA 1L Safram Flesh Gordon SX MA 7 Forestrun Roseann of Uniquely BG NE 2S La Drag-Queen Der Folies Bergere SF SU 8 Safram Mustachio SX NE 8 Mowglis Watermark BG NE 10S 10S Fluffdusters Pepper of Advent Hill BS 4S Fluffdusters Lucy of Advent Hill BS N 5S Juciful's Sunu SG NE 5S Caribcoons Phoenix MC NE 6L Stovepipe's Jackie McLean AB NE 6S Satinequ's Little White Lies PS NE 6L Desertrose Diamond Jim BG MA 7S Advent Hill Absolut NF NE 7L Azala's Mujiz EM NE 8S Epona's Biarki NF MA 8L Claddacoon's Tipperary MC NE 8L Americat Coffee N Cream AL NE 9L M'Coon Argentino of Frolicoon MC NE 9L Shonstar Taipei SI NE 10S Kitten Count - Allbreed, Longhair 78 78 71 75 77 35 39 36 36 36 Shorthair 37 39 37 37 36 CHAMPIONSHIP CATS Rama's Valor Victorian/Amenophis OS ES 1 1 3 4 1 1S 1S 1S 1S 1S Kitcorp Masquerade PS NE 6 2 2 3 3 3L 1L 5L 1L 5L Mitsumews Chip 'N Dale SI MA 2 1 7 2S 2S 3S 3S Duman's Renoir TA MA 5 3 10 9L 4L 1L 4L 3L Dorwill Fantasia MC MA 3 9 1L 7L 8L 1L Mar-Rob's Adriana Lecouvreur SX SW 4 2 6 3S 4S Azala's Ia AB NE 6 5 3S 3S 2S Chatlimar Tia Maria BU NE 7 1 8 4S 6S Abyroad's Rhiannon AB NE 8 6 5 5S 6S Memry Ras Vada of Kabobkats PS MA 10 5L 9L 2L 7L kat's Andromeda Lace MC NE 5 2L 7L 4L Merswood Skorri NF NE 10 7 8 6L Forestrun Molicing of Uniquely BG NE 9 4S 6S 2S Lutece Justine of Longview CX NE 9 8S10S 5S10S Gizana's Twinkle in my Eye ES NE 7S 9S 8S 8S 6S Epona's Sonni NF Ma 2 5L 6L Pyramid Mercedes Breeze/Osiris EM MA 10 10S10S 9S 7S Claddacoons Stella of Shiningstar MC N 6 2L10L Willowplace Montana Jo/Mainette MC MA 3L 7L 3L Countrylove Scarlett o of Seraphim PS 8 7 9L Mowglis Wild River BG NE 2S 7S 5S Britanya's Mahatma Coat /Bemismu,SX,NE 8 8S 7S Leonidas Des Moulins de Bussett BI BU 10 9 10L Caseycats Ana Yasmine/Shaynacats, PS,NE 6L 6L 8L Dees Jubilee A Blue HI NE 9 6L 10L Wildthings Masterpiece BG MA 5 5S Tabby Rd Doc of Sahdowrock MC NE 2L 3L Jedidiahs' Elijah NF NE 8L 4L 9L Safram Skin the Cat SX NE 7 4S Jedidiah Prins Erik of Advent Hill NF 4L 2L Blueblaze Zaphod Beeblebrox MC NE 4 8L Too Cute Sand Point SF NE 6S 7S10S 8S Belmainshacoon's Harry B. MC NE 7L 5L Abyroad's Basin St. Blues AB MA 4 Advent Hill Boregard /Coonstastic MC N 4 Menuphar Saltimbanco AB NE 9S 9S Rinkurl New Age Girl SX GL 4S Osiris Couscous of Pyramid EM MA 5S Mainlysilver Wallace MC NE 8L Yukihana Lady Murasaki JL SE 9L Rinkurl Dollparts SX GL 9S Menuphar Rose des Sables SO NE 10L Juliette of California's Dream AC ES 10S Championship Count - Allbreed, Longhair 61 53 61 61 60 28 28 33 28 30 Shorthair 25 25 26 26 26 ALTERS Azala's Khalif AB NE 1 5 5 5 1 2S 1S 2S 2S 2S Mitsumews Moonage Daydream OS MA 2 2 3 7 1S 2S 1S 1S 3S Winwillo Teddy Bear PS NW 4 8 1 2L 5L 2L 3L 5L Windflower's Merlin of Valor BU NE 7 9 2 3 3S 5S 1S Kerrbob Bogart PS NE 1 7 2 1L 1L 1L Hometown Electron Sparkey AS MA 9 3 2 10 5S 4S 4S Curlniques Lunatic in Desquise AL SW 3 8 10 2L 5L 5L Scheriburm Katy BU NE 6 6 4 3S Passport's Patty Cake KT NE 1 4S 3S 5S 5S Willowplace Annetta of Temora MC NE 6 9 5 3L Advent Hill Winston MC NE 10 4 3L 4L Menuphar's Eglantine/ Desertmoon,SO,MA 5L 4L 4L 2L Willowplace Moose on the Loose MC MA 6 6 1L Razaby Tomahawk AB NE 3 9 3S Broadsway Acadia MC NE 1L 3L 2L Biloe's Prince Rilian Lemieux PS GL 7 8 3L Belmainshacoon's Bubba B MC NE 5 10 4L Akerr's Ganges Rangoon BG GL 8 5S 4S Asher's Koiboitoi of Broadsway JB NE 10 9 4S Courtlane's Firepower PS GL 8 4L Kitty Charm Sebastians Noir Desir PS NE 4 Bijoux Cats Yoda Jedi Master BU MA 4 Blueblaze Buckaroo Banzai MC NE 7 Alter Count - Allbreed, Longhair 28 28 28 26 25 15 15 14 15 15 Shorthair 10 11 12 10 10 HOUSEHOLD PET KITTENS Spunky ME 1 2 5 4 1S 4S 2S Figment MP 5 1 2S 1S 1S 2S 5S Sigmund NE 4 5 3L 1L 1L 1L 4L Starlight Sparkle GL 1 5 3 1 4S 3S J Jack Flash MA 2 4 2 2 1S Sarah V. NE 4 4L 3L 3L 3L 3L Winchester 2 4 4S 4S 1S Rum Tum Tugger MA 2L 2L 2L 4L 1L Moonbeam Shadows GL 1 5S 2S 3S Eslalina NE 6S 4S 4S 2S Bunger MA 3 4S 5S Vanessa NE 4 3S 5S Smokey Joe 3 3 Hershey NE 5L 5L 2L Patches NE 3 3S Groucho MA 2S Icarus NE 4S Pork Chop NE 5S Household Pet Kitten Count - Allbreed, L 20 20 20 20 20 4 5 5 4 4 Shorthair 14 13 15 14 15 HOUSEHOLD PETS Hortense NE 2 4 7 3 1L 1L 1L 2L 3L Peaches Creampuff NE 3 7 5 2L 3L 2L 1L 1L Guinevere NE 9 2 3 4 3S 3S Alexus Wrapped in Rainbows GL 3 2 6 4L 2L Maxine NE 9 2 1S 2S 1S Stripes GL 6 6 10 8 5S 6S Shades of Paris GL 7 5 4 3L 4L Calvin NE 5 4S 1S 7S 3S Samantha NE 8 8 9 3L 5L Scarlet MA 4 2 4S 2S Button MA 10 8 1 3S Teddy NE 5 1 3 Scptt ME 7 5S 3S 2S Katie Nanna NE 6 10 4L 4L Freckles NE 7 5L 3L 5L Mary Paige 8 2S 4S 7S Rebecca Elizabeth Ann Laspots NE 10 2L 4L 5L Yoshi (Destefano) NE 9 1 6 Acacia from Rocqui Rhode GL 1 5S 1S C-Vest-Tor GL 4 4S 1S Coffee with Cream To Go NE 10 5S 6S Donald NE 1 5S Ethan NE 5 9 Ronald NE 2S 4S Dutchess NE 5L Zuzu Petals MA 6S Household Pet Count - Allbreed, Longhai 31 34 32 30 32 10 12 9 8 9 Shorthair 20 22 22 21 22 NEW BREED AND COLOUR Jeremiah de Bethsabee So ES 3 3 3 2 1 1L 2L 1L 3L Juciful's Nanda Devi AB NE 1 1 9 1S 4S 1S 2S Too Cute Point George SF NE 7 2 5S 1S 1S 3S 2S Troika Nikolai Ahlmazovich SB MA 2 6 2 8 5L 4L 5L Samson MK MA 9 4 4 7 3S 3S 3S Troika Zahar Ahlmazovich SB MA 4 7 3 2L 5L 4L Margoree's Super Mario MK NE 1 2 1 6 5S Too Cute Cassandra SF NE 8 6 5S 6S 3S 5S 4S Boscobel Liza Jane MK NE 9 6 10 2S 2S 7S Arcana Dasha Martynovna SB NE 5 5 4L 4L 1L Absarokee Spunky MK NE 8 8 7S 1S 1S Jade de Bethsabee SO ES 9 4 3L 3L Kittymews Sneezy of Absarokee ML NW 10 2L 2L 4L Frolikova Krem of Arcana SB NE 6 10 3L 5L Ozcats Short Stuff MK NE 4 2S 4S TRT The Vampire Claudia MK NE 8 6S 2S Pen Haven Marteenie MK MA 7 4S 6S Belltown Kodachrome of Abyroad AB NE 5 5S Mons MK SE 1S 6S Manawyddan Jubillee MK NE 3 Bargare's Turnip MK NE 5 Luciole de Bethsabee SO ES 5 Margaree's Rufous MK NE 7 Missing Page NBC 623 3S Missing Page NBC 629 4S Theritetype's Supa Dupa Trooper Man MK 9 Missing Page NBC 545 10 Munchkenland Rikki Tikki/Margaree, MK 10 Munchkenland Aurora MK NE 5S Margaree's Orange Blossum MK NE 7S NBC Count - Allbreed, Longhair 31 34 32 30 32 10 12 11 11 11 Shorthair 20 22 21 22 22 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -