Estimated Standings by Breed - Scottish Straight

Kittens (11)
Rank Name Region Score
1Wunderfolds SassSE7094
2Mild Bliss Quintessa of SandFold/WCNE4630
3Wunderfolds BellyacheSE3960
4Wunderfolds Teddy ButtersworthSE1606
5Macrory ElysaEN1087
6Catlines ZlataES683
7Sweetpearlcats DominicNW681
8Tinytiny GrenAE284
9Santa Tecla Eva MedeaES262
10ScottAmberEyes MorfeoES153
11Macrory Gracie Abrams SilverskyEN71
Championship Cats (15)
Rank Name Region Score
1Wunderfolds SassSE4639
2Macrory DaenerysEN2410
3Mild Bliss Quintessa of Sandfold/WCNE1958
4Bluz Leuphori Leven DeeSE1743
5Snow Star IceEN1102
6Lilac Whiskers CalimeroES937
7It*Scott/ID of ScottAmberEyesES226
8Vanilla Ice Cream Ocean Dream CatterES185
9AlvaRoss IrwickES166
10Wonka of Lerins KittydomES152
11KiltKatz Add Some Sprinkles/IDIN128
12Macrory QuantumEN126
13Zelda of Lerins KittydomES116
14Himeros DuesicileES98
15Catlines Purr UniES87
Alters (7)
Rank Name Region Score
1Owhl Fireball of HappyhourNW2975
2Epiphany's GallowayEN1888
3Macrory Sleeping Beauty SilverskyEN845
4Allfoldintoone And My AxeSC476
5FoldaBrit Midnight CharmerEW313
6Kiltkatz Miss MackennaIN203
7Allfoldintoone Duck Duck GooseNE184