Willowtreerags Galaxy of Ragpurfect
1 2 37 2025/01/03b SL 225 225
2 3 34 2024/12/07a MD 211 436
3 5 41 2025/01/10a BR 196 632
4 8 40 2025/01/10a RH 162 794
5 8 39 2025/01/03b JC 161 955
6 2L 16 2024/12/07a JG 154 1109
7 9 39 2025/01/10a RW 150 1259
8 10 40 2025/01/10a MH 140 1399
9 6L 25 2025/01/10a BR 119 1518
10 8L 26 2025/01/10a AS 98 1616
11 8L 23 2025/01/10a NCS 95 1711

Region: NE
Shows: MA=2 NE=1

Points shown above are estimates based on show reports and are not official scoring.