Wildcoon Club Sir Bentley of Srcoons
1 6 48 2024/11/23a CU 192 192
2 6 44 2024/11/23a JC 188 380
3 8 48 2024/11/23a JA 170 550
4 8 48 2024/11/23a BR 170 720
5 9 45 2024/11/23a JA 156 876
6 9 44 2024/11/23a CU 155 1031
7 6L 22 2024/11/23a SS 116 1147
8 6L 22 2024/11/23a BR 116 1263

Region: NE
Shows: NE=1

Points shown above are estimates based on show reports and are not official scoring.