Ranchcats Tubbs Jr of HalonaCoons
1 1 42 2024/12/14d FM 241 241
2 1 41 2025/01/10a BR 240 481
3 1 41 2025/01/10a AS 240 721
4 1 36 2025/01/24a DN 235 956
5 2 46 2024/12/14d RH 234 1190
6 1 34 2025/01/10a FM 233 1423
7 1 34 2025/01/10a VJH 233 1656
8 2 39 2025/01/10a RW 227 1883
9 1 27 2025/02/08c DL 226 2109
10 1 27 2025/02/08c KC 226 2335
11 2 36 2024/12/14d EH 224 2559
12 2 33 2025/01/10a TJ 221 2780
13 3 40 2025/01/10a RH 217 2997
14 3 35 2025/01/10a CB 212 3209
15 3 34 2025/01/10a DN 211 3420
16 4 36 2025/01/24a BK 202 3622
17 5 40 2025/01/10a MH 195 3817
18 5 39 2025/01/10a LG 194 4011
19 6 47 2024/12/14d CS 191 4202
20 6 38 2025/01/24a AS 182 4384
21 1L 29 2024/12/14d FM 178 4562
22 1L 26 2025/01/10a AS 175 4737
23 1L 25 2025/01/10a LG 174 4911
24 1L 25 2025/01/10a BR 174 5085
25 1L 18 2025/01/24a JP 167 5252
26 7 33 2025/01/24a KC 166 5418
27 7 27 2025/02/08c CU 160 5578
28 8 35 2025/01/24a CU 157 5735
29 8 33 2025/01/24a AS 155 5890
30 8 33 2025/01/24a JG 155 6045
31 9 43 2024/12/14d CS 154 6045
32 3L 25 2024/12/14d AK 152 6045
33 9 41 2025/01/10a AK 152 6045
34 9 34 2025/01/10a BRU 145 6045
35 9 33 2025/01/24a SK 144 6045
36 9 32 2025/01/24a CK 143 6045
37 6L 23 2025/01/10a NCS 117 6045

Region: GL
Shows: MA=3 GL=1

Points shown above are estimates based on show reports and are not official scoring.