Pkcatilac Graceland of Elviskitkat
1 1 42 2024/08/03a RW 241 241
2 3 49 2024/09/21c AC 226 467
3 3 48 2024/09/21c FM 225 692
4 5 47 2024/08/03a CL 202 894
5 2L 35 2024/09/21c FM 173 1067
6 9 47 2024/08/03a RH 158 1225
7 9 47 2024/08/03a SL 158 1383
8 9 47 2024/09/21c VS 158 1541
9 9 42 2024/08/03a AS 153 1694
10 4L 34 2024/09/21c VS 150 1844
11 7L 35 2024/09/21c DA 118 1962
12 9L 35 2024/09/21c CB 96 2058

Region: SE
Shows: SC=1 SE=1

Points shown above are estimates based on show reports and are not official scoring.