Mainlysilver Maui of Rusticmaines
1 1 37 2025/01/03b CK 236 236
2 4 34 2024/11/09a TK 200 436
3 4 32 2025/01/24a CK 198 634
4 7 40 2025/01/10a MH 173 807
5 2L 23 2025/01/10a NCS 161 968
6 8 33 2025/02/01b FM 155 1123
7 3L 17 2025/02/01b JP 144 1267
8 5L 20 2025/02/01b FM 125 1392
9 7L 25 2025/01/10a BR 108 1500

Region: SE
Shows: MA=4 NE=1

Points shown above are estimates based on show reports and are not official scoring.