Klazeekats Shiner Bock of Ranchcats
1 5 53 2024/07/13b KC 208 208
2 7 53 2024/07/13b DL 186 394
3 8 38 2024/06/29a DL 160 554
4 8 37 2024/06/29a BRU 159 713
5 10 53 2024/07/13b NCS 153 866
6 10 50 2024/07/13b VJH 150 1016
7 5S 34 2024/07/13b VJH 139 1155
8 9S 35 2024/07/13b TJ 96 1251

Region: SC
Shows: GL=2

Points shown above are estimates based on show reports and are not official scoring.