Bigrivercoon Winston of Happytrills
1 3 57 2024/08/17a CL 234 234
2 1 27 2024/06/22b TJ 226 460
3 4 58 2024/08/17a JG 224 684
4 2 27 2024/06/22b CS 215 899
5 6 62 2024/08/17a RW 206 1105
6 4 27 2024/06/22b EHW 193 1298
7 5 27 2024/06/22b VJH 182 1480
8 8 27 2024/06/22b JGA 149 1629
9 1L 9 2024/06/22b JAR 148 1777
10 9 27 2024/06/22b JCH 138 1915
11 2L 9 2024/06/22b TCC 137 2052

Region: SC
Shows: SC=1 GL=1

Points shown above are estimates based on show reports and are not official scoring.