Estimated Standings by Breed - Himalayan

Kittens (8)
Rank Name Region Score
1Ricordanza Mio PassoEN4759
2Aristopoints JhonES2444
3Purr-Star Moon GlowSE1218
4Sheroncats DamascoSA910
5Tranquility Wild ThangSE453
6Grovewood SuperstarEN296
7Tranquility Positive VibesSE273
8Purr-Star Resident AlienSE146
Championship Cats (22)
Rank Name Region Score
1Desert Winds Toreador of RadzacatzNE10144
2Aristopoints Grace /WCES2931
3Sheroncats GlóriaSA1307
5Larimyr Boba FettNE1221
6Purr-Star Resident AlienSE1127
7Aristopoint HangelES1014
8Castcam OkamiSA908
9Jchimalayani MadonnaSA865
10Le-Vell Love Me TenderSC685
11Tranquility Positive VibesSE624
12Tygar Roystone of DulcepelucheSA548
13Sheroncats DamascoSA393
14Purr-Star Stellar ConquestSE276
15Blue-Velvet Sky LionSA272
16Slavuta's Cloki of APurrinDream/WCNE266
17Union Jack de La Poesie PersaneES248
18Purr-Star Moon GlowSE201
19Precision Blueberry of ShiekspurrSC169
20Tranquility FuntasticSE139
21Akmal RomeoSA131
22Blue-Velvet Sky LunaSA78
Alters (8)
Rank Name Region Score
1Ricordanza ArabesqueEN8535
2Amisdeschats VuittonAE4799
3Purr-Star Moon GlowSE3351
4WCH Flor AristopointsES3149
5Brsugarcats Melanie DSM DSWSA1904
6Knebelkatze BrunoSA1589
7Karissimakat Colonel ParkerSC727
8Persians's Schnozberry Divine/CFSE614