White Fang of Syfy
1 2 7 2025/02/01b BK 165 165
2 3 8 2025/02/01b BR 165 330
3 3 7 2025/02/01b DN 154 484
4 4 8 2025/02/01b DL 154 638
5 5 7 2025/02/01b BRU 132 770
6 7 8 2025/02/01b AS 121 891
7 7 7 2025/02/01b CU 110 1001
8 8 8 2025/02/01b FM 110 1111
9 3S 7 2025/02/01b JP 104 1215
10 6S 6 2025/02/01b AG 60 1275

Region: MA
Shows: MA=1

Points shown above are estimates based on show reports and are not official scoring.