Tyling of Acirrekatz
1 1 13 2024/11/02d VJH 212 212
2 2 18 2024/10/19b MA 206 418
3 2 13 2024/11/02d BR 201 619
4 5 13 2024/11/02d NC 168 787
5 5 13 2024/11/02d NC 168 955
6 6 18 2024/10/19b TS 162 1117
7 6 18 2024/10/19b TS 162 1279
8 6 13 2024/11/02d BR 157 1436
9 6 13 2024/11/02d CS 157 1593
10 7 18 2024/10/19b LP 151 1744
11 8 18 2024/10/19b DLO 140 1884
12 2S 9 2024/11/02d JG 137 2021
13 8 13 2024/11/02d CL 135 2156
14 8 13 2024/11/02d SL 135 2291
15 9 18 2024/10/19b KC 129 2420
16 10 18 2024/10/19b FM 118 2538
17 7S 8 2024/11/02d BW 71 2609
18 10S 11 2024/10/19b TCC 61 2670

Region: SC
Shows: SC=2

Points shown above are estimates based on show reports and are not official scoring.