TRC Tamarix of Sunbriar
1 1 10 2024/12/14d CS 209 209
2 2 10 2024/12/14d EH 198 407
3 3 10 2024/12/14d RH 187 594
4 3 10 2024/12/14d CS 187 781
5 4 10 2024/12/14d MH 176 957
6 5 10 2024/12/14d CB 165 1122
7 7 10 2024/12/14d AK 143 1265
8 7 10 2024/12/14d AB 143 1408
9 7 10 2024/12/14d FM 143 1551
10 7 10 2024/12/14d KC 143 1694
11 3S 6 2024/12/14d FM 93 1787
12 5S 6 2024/12/14d AK 71 1858

Region: MA
Shows: MA=1

Points shown above are estimates based on show reports and are not official scoring.