You Can Call Me Earl of Fenixfire
1 7 9 2024/08/03a BK 132 132
2 8 9 2024/08/03a CL 121 253
3 9 9 2024/08/03a RH 110 363
4 9 9 2024/08/03a CU 110 473
5 9 9 2024/08/03a SL 110 583
6 9 9 2024/08/03a JC 110 693
7 10 10 2024/08/03a AS 110 803
8 1 1 2024/10/19a RK 110 913
9 1 1 2024/10/19a BRU 110 1023
10 1 1 2024/10/19a CK 110 1133
11 1 1 2024/10/19a TK 110 1243
12 1 1 2024/10/19a CB 110 1353
13 6S 6 2024/08/03a NC 60 1413
14 6S 6 2024/08/03a TCC 60 1473
15 1S 1 2024/10/19a LS 60 1533
16 1S 1 2024/10/19a JG 60 1593

Region: SE
Shows: SE=1 MA=1

Points shown above are estimates based on show reports and are not official scoring.