Estimated Standings by Breed - Egyptian Mau

Kittens (10)
Rank Name Region Score
1Celestialspots Shooting StarSC5256
2Maulove Sonicboom of CelestialspotsSC5151
3Manasha-Noun VicenzaES2374
4MajesticMaus Leonardo DaCatTrioNE1758
5Celestialspots UmbraSC1402
8Emau's Crack the Sky of AhatarahGL715
9MajesticMaus Shes All ThatNE467
10Nifflermau Light FurryIN379
Championship Cats (5)
Rank Name Region Score
1Maulove Sonicboom of Celestial SpotsSC7517
2Skarabey Dari Horus/WCNE3793
3Osiris Band Joh BackstabES2288
4FI*Catnmaus Magic/FI of NifflermauIN727
5FatalAttraction AishaEN280
Alters (5)
Rank Name Region Score
1Celestialspots IlluminanceSC9771
2Bastcats LaylaNW6720
3Celestialspots Gaia of HisstoricatsNE3625
4Bastcats HorusNW3299
5Iridium Soul FluxEN671