Tersanctus Silly Love Songs of KLM
1 2 53 2025/01/03a KH 241 241
2 4 55 2025/01/03a AS 221 462
3 3 39 2024/06/01b KC 216 678
4 4 39 2024/06/01b DA 205 883
5 5 39 2024/06/01b JA 194 1077
6 5 36 2024/06/01b FM 191 1268
7 6 35 2024/06/01b JA 179 1447
8 8 35 2024/06/01b DB 157 1604
9 8 35 2024/11/02d BR 157 1761
10 2S 10 2024/06/01b BW 148 1909
11 9 35 2024/11/02d CL 146 2055
12 10 36 2024/11/02d VJH 136 2191
13 10 36 2024/11/02d CS 136 2327
14 10 35 2024/11/02d NC 135 2462

Region: SC
Shows: SC=3

Points shown above are estimates based on show reports and are not official scoring.