Syonan To Umiko
1 2 49 2024/11/16b PR 237 237
2 4 65 2025/03/01a MB 231 468
3 3 47 2024/11/16b SL 224 692
4 4 33 2025/01/11d PR 199 891
5 4 32 2025/01/11d AS 198 1089
6 6 48 2024/11/16b JML 192 1281
7 5 33 2025/01/11d AS 188 1469
8 7 47 2024/09/28b KS 180 1649
9 9 59 2025/03/01a MB 170 1819
10 8 47 2024/09/28b SC 169 1988
11 8 47 2024/09/28b OD 169 2157
12 7 35 2025/01/11d AKS 168 2325
13 10 60 2025/03/01a SC 160 2485
14 2S 19 2024/09/28b KS 157 2642
15 10 55 2025/03/01a HG 155 2797
16 10 49 2024/09/28b HG 149 2946
17 3S 22 2024/11/16b SL 149 3095
18 9 34 2025/01/11d KS 145 3240
19 5S 24 2024/11/16b AKZ 129 3369
20 4S 12 2025/01/11d AKS 128 3497
21 8S 24 2024/11/16b YL 96 3593

Region: ES
Shows: ES=3 EN=1

Points shown above are estimates based on show reports and are not official scoring.