Seasedge Ursula of Wizardgate
1 2 35 2025/03/01c DA 223 223
2 3 34 2024/06/22d RW 211 434
3 5 31 2024/06/22d NC 186 620
4 6 39 2024/05/11a JC 183 803
5 6 38 2024/05/11a JC 182 985
6 7 32 2024/06/22d DL 165 1150
7 8 38 2024/05/11a LC 160 1310
8 8 35 2025/03/01c BK 157 1467
9 10 45 2025/02/15b RW 145 1612
10 9 31 2024/06/22d AS 142 1754
11 7S 31 2025/02/15b TCC 114 1868

Region: SE
Shows: SE=4

Points shown above are estimates based on show reports and are not official scoring.