Reddoor Dahlia of Petitchaton
1 1L 13 2025/01/11b TH 162 162
2 1L 12 2025/01/11b TH 161 323
3 2L 12 2025/01/11b TH 150 473
4 2L 11 2025/01/11b HIT 149 622
5 2L 10 2024/11/30b MT 148 770
6 3L 10 2024/11/30b TH 137 907
7 3L 10 2024/11/30b MT 137 1044
8 4L 11 2025/01/11b HT 127 1171
9 4L 10 2024/11/30b TH 126 1297
10 4L 10 2024/11/30b MT 126 1423
11 7L 25 2024/11/17a HO 108 1531

Region: AE
Shows: AE=3

Points shown above are estimates based on show reports and are not official scoring.