Ragmagic Easy Ryder of Paramountcy
1 2 79 2024/10/26a TV 267 267
2 3 77 2024/10/26a TV 254 521
3 6 79 2024/10/26a OD 223 744
4 4 42 2025/02/22a DA 208 952
5 5 47 2024/09/28b KS 202 1154
6 8 48 2024/09/28b KV 170 1324
7 2L 31 2024/09/28b KS 169 1493
8 4L 41 2024/10/26a AKZ 157 1650
9 3L 25 2025/02/22a AKZ 152 1802
10 10 49 2024/09/28b PH 149 1951
11 5L 30 2024/09/28b PH 135 2086
12 8L 35 2024/07/13a DA 107 2193

Region: EN
Shows: EN=3 ES=1

Points shown above are estimates based on show reports and are not official scoring.