Cottonblues Qtpie of Eastcoastdolls
1 1 25 2024/10/19a BR 224 224
2 3 39 2024/10/12c BR 216 440
3 4 41 2024/10/12c BK 207 647
4 6 48 2024/09/07a BR 192 839
5 4 24 2024/10/19a BR 190 1029
6 7 46 2024/09/07a MBU 179 1208
7 7 41 2024/10/12c AB 174 1382
8 9 41 2024/10/12c CU 152 1534
9 4L 34 2024/08/31a NC 150 1684
10 10 43 2024/09/07a RW 143 1827
11 4L 24 2024/10/12c MH 140 1967
12 3L 12 2024/10/19a LS 139 2106
13 5L 25 2024/10/12c CB 130 2236
14 4L 13 2024/10/19a JG 129 2365
15 10L 25 2024/10/12c DN 75 2440

Region: MA
Shows: MA=3 SE=1

Points shown above are estimates based on show reports and are not official scoring.