Cheekybrits Zoe of McSmitten
1 1 56 2024/10/12b YP 255 255
2 2 51 2024/10/12b HY 239 494
3 3 50 2024/10/12b EC 227 721
4 2 39 2024/12/14b YP 227 948
5 3 48 2024/12/14b YP 225 1173
6 7 38 2024/12/14b AC 171 1344
7 8 38 2024/12/14b DP 160 1504
8 9 47 2024/12/14b EC 158 1662
9 10 55 2024/10/12b EC 155 1817
10 10 39 2024/12/14b EC 139 1956
11 7S 26 2024/10/12b SS 109 2065

Region: NW
Shows: NW=2

Points shown above are estimates based on show reports and are not official scoring.