Unkee And Popsi Dust
1 1 12 2025/01/11d KS 211 211
2 2 12 2025/01/11d KS 200 411
3 3 16 2025/02/08b KS 193 604
4 3 12 2025/01/11d PR 189 793
5 4 12 2025/01/11d AS 178 971
6 6 17 2025/02/08b PB 161 1132
7 6 16 2025/02/08b HG 160 1292
8 6 12 2025/01/11d AS 156 1448
9 7 17 2025/02/08b PP 150 1598
10 7 13 2025/02/08b KK 146 1744
11 8 17 2025/02/08b SC 139 1883
12 8 12 2025/01/11d AKS 134 2017

Region: ES
Shows: ES=2

Points shown above are estimates based on show reports and are not official scoring.