MTNest Joaquin Obsidian of Adjoemu
1 2 30 2025/01/24a BR 218 218
2 2 30 2025/01/24a AS 218 436
3 2 26 2025/01/24a SK 214 650
4 2 25 2025/01/24a BR 213 863
5 2 25 2025/01/24a JC 213 1076
6 2 25 2025/01/24a AS 213 1289
7 2 24 2025/01/10a YP 212 1501
8 2 21 2025/01/03b JC 209 1710
9 3 21 2025/01/03b BR 198 1908
10 3 20 2025/01/10a RW 197 2105
11 4 30 2025/01/24a KC 196 2301
12 3 14 2025/01/03b RK 191 2492
13 4 25 2025/01/24a CK 191 2683
14 4 24 2025/01/10a RH 190 2873
15 4 24 2025/01/10a DL 190 3063
16 5 21 2025/01/03b KC 176 3239
17 6 15 2025/01/03b VJH 159 3398
18 7 25 2025/01/24a JG 158 3556
19 2L 11 2025/01/24a JG 149 3705
20 7 14 2025/01/03b CU 147 3852
21 7 14 2025/01/03b KC 147 3999
22 8 23 2025/01/10a AS 145 4144
23 8 21 2025/01/03b VJH 143 4287
24 9 30 2025/01/24a MH 141 4428
25 8 14 2025/01/03b TJ 136 4564
26 1L 7 2025/01/10a BR 126 4690
27 1L 7 2025/01/10a AS 126 4816

Region: NE
Shows: MA=3

Points shown above are estimates based on show reports and are not official scoring.