Lamancha Cinnabar of Kitti Kat
1 1 17 2024/10/26b DA 216 216
2 4 49 2024/08/31a LJG 215 431
3 1 16 2024/10/26b DP 215 646
4 1 16 2024/10/26b SK 215 861
5 2 17 2024/10/26b MA 205 1066
6 2 17 2024/10/26b FM 205 1271
7 2 17 2024/10/26b LC 205 1476
8 2 17 2024/10/26b DP 205 1681
9 2 16 2024/10/26b AK 204 1885
10 2 16 2024/10/26b AC 204 2089
11 2 16 2024/10/26b SS 204 2293
12 2 12 2024/11/09c LOS 200 2493
13 6 49 2024/08/31a AK 193 2686
14 6 48 2024/08/31a CL 192 2878
15 4 16 2024/10/26b EC 182 3060
16 4 16 2024/10/26b AM 182 3242
17 4 13 2024/11/09c SK 179 3421
18 7 45 2024/08/31a YP 178 3599
19 4 12 2024/11/09c CB 178 3777
20 5 17 2024/10/26b JA 172 3949
21 8 49 2024/08/31a ANG 171 4120
22 5 12 2024/11/09c DP 167 4287
23 1S 10 2024/11/09c BW 159 4446
24 6 12 2024/11/09c TS 156 4602
25 8 17 2024/10/26b LS 139 4741
26 7S 29 2024/08/31a SC 112 4853

Region: MP
Shows: SW=1 MA=1 MP=1

Points shown above are estimates based on show reports and are not official scoring.