Kayserai Blue Mist of Ksnorskatt
1 8 25 2024/09/21c JG 147 147
2 8 25 2024/09/21c FM 147 294
3 3L 16 2024/09/21c DA 143 437
4 9 25 2024/09/21c DA 136 573
5 4L 16 2024/09/21c FM 132 705
6 10 26 2024/09/21c LS 126 831
7 10 25 2024/09/21c CS 125 956
8 10 25 2024/09/21c DP 125 1081
9 5L 16 2024/09/21c CB 121 1202

Region: SC
Shows: SC=1

Points shown above are estimates based on show reports and are not official scoring.