Bluedryad Suttung of Dollychiny
1 1 24 2024/11/23a CB 223 223
2 1 19 2024/11/23a SS 218 441
3 2 24 2024/11/23a BR 212 653
4 6 24 2024/11/23a JA 168 821
5 6 24 2024/11/23a JC 168 989
6 7 25 2024/11/23a JA 158 1147
7 7 24 2024/11/23a CU 157 1304
8 7 24 2024/11/23a CU 157 1461
9 1L 7 2024/11/23a SS 126 1587
10 10 23 2024/11/23a LPF 123 1710
11 2L 7 2024/11/23a BR 115 1825

Region: IN
Shows: NE=1

Points shown above are estimates based on show reports and are not official scoring.