Estimated Standings by Breed - Scottish Straight

Kittens (18)
Rank Name Region Score
1Wunderfolds DollySE5529
2Allfoldintoone Cloud NineSC4441
3Catlines Purr UniES4281
4Macrory XandraEN4017
5Wunderfolds LoveSE3906
6Magicalfolds Calypso of BlueyonderSE2057
7Wonderfold Friends with BenefitsGL1172
8Allafold Snow WindSC956
9Macrory BlackyEN830
10Wonderfold Friends in Low PlacecsGL769
11Armina CassandraEN724
12Kiltkatz The CountIN648
13Allafold Sunny BabySC614
14Ultime Des Pebbles CatsES256
15Owhl Fireball of HappyhourNW156
16Zarafold LeylaEW122
17Superrstarr Mufasa JrIN93
18Umka de ChatsvilleES85
Championship Cats (17)
Rank Name Region Score
1Bluz Leuphori Leven DeeSE4003
2Allfoldintoone Cloud NineSC3416
3Nikolas Diamond CruzNW1486
4Macrory Xena AlbaEN954
5Beni Clear ViewES805
6Wunderfolds DollySE659
7Kiltkatz Add Some SprinklesIN614
8Frisstyle MangoEN519
9Macrory Silvermist SilverskyEN436
10Wunderfolds BirdieSE331
11Lancelot Solomonoff*UAEN249
12Ms Blue PearlNW173
13Jasmintea Smile AceAE160
14Macrory PetuniaEN150
15Wunderfolds WafflesSE147
16Macrory QuantumEN132
17Albostar Lusya/WCSE78
Alters (8)
Rank Name Region Score
1Allfoldintoone Duck Duck GooseNE2104
2Macrory Sleeping Beauty SilverskyEN2003
3Kiltkatz Miss MackennaIN1909
4Allfoldintoone Wee TeuchterSC1744
5Macrory NeptuniaEN823
6Zenlionheart SibaAE571
7Macrory ZillaEN559
8Kiltkatz The CountIN193