Estimated Standings by Breed - Minuet Longhair

Kittens (6)
Rank Name Region Score
1Mysweet Yu-ta Amelia of Moucats/IDAE5208
2RugRunners Dusty RoseMA3203
3Midwestminuets RieslingGL1918
4Lidarlynns Paint Me SilverSE1797
5Oakwell LilyGL595
6Littlefrenchman Isabella of AgathosMA125
Championship Cats (13)
Rank Name Region Score
1Kittensmitten Peter FursbergSC9709
2Mysweet Yu-Ta Amelia of Moucats/IDAE5722
3406Paws Primrose of OakwellGL3171
4Belle Needs No BeastGL1355
5Agathos Perseverance Pays OffMA946
6Beeno of MeowpatronusNE852
7Pawcitys SpringGL607
8Pawcitys Alexis Ovechkitten TinylioSC585
9Pawcitys Amelia Got HeartGL576
10Ccatmistry Butter CreamNW554
11Moonlighthills Lyra of PawcitysGL326
12Pawcitys Brandie of RugrunnersMA299
13Ichigohime ChamAE83
Alters (8)
Rank Name Region Score
1Judyscuties Gabrielle LandesclawSC5797
2Lildarlynns All That GlittersSE3444
3Tinylions Oliver ThomasSC1913
4Resqme Mystic Krewe of Femme Fat/IDMA1594
5Catacure Kenji SkyeIN1087
6Blueskies Sydney Clawsby TinylionsSC899
7Lildarlynns Paint Me SilverSE289
8Catacure Kokuto Miruku BobaIN247