Fuu of Ragromy
1 1 2 2023/10/08a MT 121 121
2 3 3 2023/09/24a KY 110 231
3 3 3 2023/09/24a RD 110 341
4 3 3 2023/09/24a HIT 110 451
5 3 3 2023/09/24a MT 110 561
6 2 2 2023/10/08a NK 110 671
7 2 2 2023/10/08a RD 110 781
8 2 2 2023/10/08a SHL 110 891
9 2L 2 2023/09/24a HIT 60 951
10 2L 2 2023/09/24a MT 60 1011
11 2L 2 2023/09/24a KY 60 1071
12 2L 2 2023/09/24a RD 60 1131
13 2L 2 2023/10/08a KY 60 1191
14 2L 2 2023/10/08a WCS 60 1251

Region: AE
Shows: AE=2

Points shown above are estimates based on show reports and are not official scoring.