Willem of Cortryck 1302
1 2 65 2024/03/02a IVB 253 253
2 3 70 2024/03/02a IVB 247 500
3 3 66 2024/03/02a CM 243 743
4 5 71 2024/03/02a TV 226 969
5 6 76 2024/04/06c TV 220 1189
6 8 70 2024/04/06c TV 192 1381
7 9 66 2024/03/02a ANG 177 1558
8 4S 27 2024/04/06c VK 143 1701
9 5S 28 2024/04/06c VK 133 1834
10 6S 30 2024/03/02a GT 124 1958
11 8S 29 2024/03/02a GT 101 2059

Region: EN
Shows: EN=2

Points shown above are estimates based on show reports and are not official scoring.