Oberlin Merlot of Saphira
1 4 61 2023/11/04c JC 227 227
2 6 56 2024/04/13c FH 200 427
3 7 63 2024/04/13c JC 196 623
4 8 65 2023/11/04c IVB 187 810
5 8 61 2024/04/13c JC 183 993
6 8 59 2023/11/04c CU 181 1174
7 9 65 2023/11/04c FH 176 1350
8 10 65 2023/11/04c FH 165 1515
9 5S 29 2023/11/04c IVB 134 1649

Region: NE
Shows: NE=2

Points shown above are estimates based on show reports and are not official scoring.