Burberry Megapolis of Dicasagrande
1 2 59 2023/11/18d PR 247 247
2 3 61 2023/11/18d HG 238 485
3 1 31 2024/04/20c JML 230 715
4 1 30 2024/04/20c KK 229 944
5 1 30 2024/04/20c KK 229 1173
6 1 29 2024/04/20c KK 228 1401
7 4 61 2023/11/18d SC 227 1628
8 2 31 2024/04/20c JML 219 1847
9 2 29 2024/04/20c JML 217 2064
10 2S 30 2023/11/18d JG 168 2232
11 7 30 2024/04/20c TV 163 2395
12 3S 30 2023/11/18d ANG 157 2552
13 3S 30 2023/11/18d JG 157 2709
14 2S 16 2024/04/20c VK 154 2863
15 2S 16 2024/04/20c VK 154 3017
16 8 29 2024/04/20c TV 151 3168
17 9 31 2024/04/20c TV 142 3310
18 3S 15 2024/04/20c VK 142 3452
19 9S 30 2023/11/18d LPF 91 3543

Region: ES
Shows: ES=2

Points shown above are estimates based on show reports and are not official scoring.