Bodhirags Zero of Qianfeng
1 3 56 2023/10/14b KK 233 233
2 3 56 2023/10/14b AKR 233 466
3 4 57 2023/10/14b ANG 223 689
4 4 52 2023/10/14b AKR 218 907
5 4 50 2023/10/14b KK 216 1123
6 5 53 2023/10/14b KV 208 1331
7 6 52 2023/10/14b ANG 196 1527
8 9 56 2023/10/14b TV 167 1694
9 10 50 2023/10/14b TV 150 1844
10 4L 15 2023/10/14b MBU 131 1975

Region: AW
Shows: ES=1

Points shown above are estimates based on show reports and are not official scoring.