Estimated Standings by Region, 2023 - Southwest

Rank Name Breed Score
1Purrcificoon Soffi RayMC7125
2Shelbie Piece de ResistanceABT6927
3Tajhara Stella By StarlightSO6805
4GrapeArbor Sarafina of FujipawsAB6581
5Fujipaws PapayaRD6564
6Camelotslb Ivar LegendarybengalBG6215
7Grapearbor Bailey BleuAB5096
8Mywish Icebreaker of PawkavenuePS5077
9Karion Silver Bullet of BellaluBG4309
10Fairytaleragdol Cupids BowRD4255
11Specialagent Bravo FoxtrotPB3938
12Sweet ChiliBS3665
13Specialagent Ruger RedhawkPB3551
14Silverdance Unforgettable RobinPS3520
15Suncoon EnzoMC3483
16Silver Crown Bellatrix LestrangeBG2662
17Sandsilk GabriellaDR2343
18Marvee-lus MishaBU2220
19Lmcooncat Be LuckyMC2090
20Rexplus I Heard A RumorCR2072
21Adorabledolls Melon of FujipawsRD1968
22Sontse SugarfootTO1945
23Grapearbor Sweet SerenityAB1641
24Rexplus Destiny Is AllCR1572
25Featherland HarryNF1551
26Sontse ChicaTO1412
27Bellalu S Iris DancerBG1350
28Elvessa The Count O CronnTO1311
29Nightmusic CarmenSB1282
30Elvessa Ivy RoseTO1237
31Marvee-lus Buster DouglasBU1220
32Preciouscurls GracieACL1180
33Fairytaleragdol Pick A SideRD1139
34Libertybengals OdinBG1015
35Maximum MoxyMC1007
36Justwild Coccolino of StrongpawBG930
37Curl Essence J-LocurlACL926
38Equistice MaizieBG883
39Beloved GiaogiaoMNL838
40Lil SimbaRD834
41Grapearbor Raisin CaneAB816
425StarRags Dylan of FairyTaleRagDolRD804
43Karion Valentino of StrongpawBG802
44Mainesuspect La PalomaMC785
45Arkham Sebastian of FractalBG776
46Karion All The Moxie of BellaluBG774
47Arkham Mxyzptlk of KarionBG749
48Camelotslb FrayaBG671
49Specialagent Desert EaglePB653
50Grapearbor Mojave SusnetAB588
51Karion Lunchbox Larry of KokinoBG580
52M.Sailormoon MusePS561
53M.Sailormoon EggES554
54Sonoitas HarmonyBG553
55Lmcooncat An Orange CookieMC536
56Rexplus Color Me VancyCR532
57Fujipaws Lanai IslandRD527
58Ragbenchers A Big Man JoRD448
59Laplepard Magic8 of InfinitybengalsBG443
60Coolspots CriketBG441
61Versus Pink April of LmooncatMC428
62Rexplus Hot PatootieCR405
63Arkham MaccoyBG393
64TBellalu Game On DudeBG390
66CurlEssence A Dream Like ThisACL387
67Reikirex Josephine of WaskirexCR375
68Fairytaleragdol Frankie SteinRD367
70Arkham SkylineBG359
71Grapearbor Assi of FujipawsAB349
72William of Plush HerzBS334
73Fairytaleragdol Hey MickeyRD329
74Fairytaleragdol CocopuffsRD327
76TFoxcreekbengals Talia of EyeofthetigBGL252
76TAdorabledolls Rika of KittencutiesRD252
781Purfect Pride FinnBG246
79Bellalu Pretty Fancy of KarionBG241
80Paprika Pepperpaws of LegendtalesMC237
81Pimacoon Dr Zaius of MainesuspectMC225
82Purrcificoon Charli RayMC191
83Tonkville Jen Psaki of SontseTO181
84Versus Lady Valentine of LmcooncatMC178
85Failytaleragdol What A Sturdy OrnnRD173
86Diam-and Naomi/WCSF170
87Lunaris Art Kronos of Coons'kinMC169
89Minileo Gaston of CamelotslbBG167
90Creekcats Malibu RisingRD158
91TGame On Cats El JefeMC155
91TLaplepard Whitec of InfinitybengalsBG155
93Alheri Nova of SvofcoachellaSV148
94Fairytaleragdol Pupi SnowflakesRD142
95Sonoitas BallerinaBG134
96Coolspots MatadorBG128
97Yopomelo A BillionBL126
98Zorro White WitchSB121
Championship Cats
Rank Name Breed Score
1Shelbie's Rufus FiliumABT11746
2PurrcifiCoon Milo JackMC11605
3Grapearbor Princessa SofeiaAB11248
4Purrcificoon Soffi RayMC10850
5Kelela Kanaka U'iAB10640
6Rexplus Destiny Is AllCR10555
7Fairytaleragdol Pick A SideRD10516
8Preciouscurls GracieACL9256
9Camelotslb LagerthaBG8228
10Tajhara Stella By StarlightSO7437
11Karion All The Moxie of BellaluBG4561
125StarRags Dylan of FairyTaleRagDolRD3412
13Lemon Top*Matryoshka/WCSB3268
14Lunaris Art Kronos of Coonskin/IDMC3239
15Mirumkitty Hope of NewmoondollRD3092
16Karion CirrusBG2926
17Geishagoll's Blue Dreamer BellaluSI2818
18Specialagent Ruger RedhawkPB2763
19Casazruz GobiTG2506
20Avalonkats Chibi SanBS2358
21Lazytail's Nanuk of BrandxCY2355
22Arkham Come To The LightBG2238
23Injir Dandre & Cats/FIBU1998
25GrapeArbor Sarafina of FujipawsAB1500
26Specialagent BulletPB1476
27Karrklan Reds RowdyOC1426
28Specialagent Desert EaglePB1389
30Marvee-Lus Vivo The Victorious/CFBU1331
31Sandsilk GabriellaDR1319
32Bangkokcats VittorioBG1300
33Prekrasne Fudgin FudgeSB1278
34Velpaws WizardSI1222
35Arkham Sebastian of FractalBG1219
36Lionsheart Pawsome ShikoBS1198
37Ginchika No Quiero SaberJB1183
38Karion Silver Bullet of BellaluBG1164
39Legend-SG Dada of Miss MermaidSX931
40Curlessence A Dream Like ThisACL842
41Rexplus I Heard A RumorCR836
42Lionsheart Pawsome Vale/GCBS751
43Karion Sheena For Your Eyes OnlyBG706
44Sontse Chica of TonkvilleTO678
45Kitti Kat LarimarSR669
46Karion Ac Slater of 2BglitteratiBG644
47Curl Essence SavannahACL639
48Karion Karion All Shook UpBG604
49Nightmusic Thor The AvengerSB597
50Velpaws Kitty KatzanSI596
51Kelela Malu LaniAB592
52Bellalu S Iris DancerBG591
53Rich Copper MoussonBS586
55TKarrklan SonlightOC501
55TAdorabledolls Rika of KittencutiesRD501
57Camelotslb FrayaBG439
58Exoticbengalsd Anakin SkywalkerBG438
59Justwild Coccolino of StarseedBG427
60Fujipaws PapayaRD422
61Camelotslb Tom HardyBG397
62Sandsilk Darling AlizeeDR391
63Calirags Promzmedamoon of MagnadolzRD387
64Sonoitas Snow Dancing of ArkhamBG383
65Fairytaleragdol Pupi SnowflakesRD382
66Equistice MaizieBG365
68Shadow BlueBS360
69Telemaque Du Manoir D'AmbreBI334
70Spice Horcrux of CamelotslbBG277
71Waskirex SaphiraCR271
72Lmcooncat An Orange CookieMC228
73Camelotslb Ivar LegendarybengalBG224
74Grapearbor Assi of FujipawsAB223
75Desert Beam The Devil Wear PradaPS203
76L&M Coon B'My First DreamMC202
77Rexplus Flame Thrower of WaskirexCR184
79Willetteragdol Caramia og MagnadolzRD179
80Venturacattery Princess AdeleRD172
81Sonoita CharlzBG171
82Creekcats Timothy of MagnadolzRD170
83Karrklan Red SkeltonOC168
84Desertbeam Sunset Over The WestPS162
85Lazytail's Kavir OnakMX137
86Arkham SpartanBGL130
87Lionsheart Snow BarsBS106
Rank Name Breed Score
1Grapearbor Gentleman JackAB10760
2Shelbie's Dressed For SuccessABT10685
3Karion Chantilly LaceBG9138
4Velpaws WarlockSI9131
5Preciouscurls ZingerACL8452
6Dolcemadre Mikhael NoteRD8112
7Equistice IrisBG5337
8Marvee-Lus Roasted-Ruki/CFBU5292
9Coolspots Castor of WildgoldBG4044
10Lazytail's No 24 of BrandxMX3615
11Curlniques Then Sings My SoulAC2661
12Elvessa Knight Kned O KnappingTO2579
13Kokino Karion Good Luck ChuckBG2130
14Howlingcoyote Jojo ArmaniSO2120
15Kitti Kat Algernon AbercrombieSR1954
17Mistysprings Blow My Dice!/CFCY1707
18Grapearbor Bailey BleuAB1685
19Featherland LiselleNF1677
20Karion All Shook Up BellaluBG1516
21Whatatrill No Buts About ItMC1365
22Bytko Straight Up Butch of Kitti KatBS1004
23Karion ZipanguBG966
24Sweetheaven Elis Legacy HunterRD939
25Mistysprings Badabing!MX922
26Rexplus Eli's ComingCR880
27Coolspots All SpiceBG842
28Calirags Billie Jean of MagnadolzRD718
29Sunfox Silverado of FeatherlandTA504
30LAPD Ben CartwrightMC495
31Specialagent Major LaserPB425
32Specialagent Medal OfhonorPB270
33Coolspots DestinyBG180
34Therealms Lady GuinevereBG124
Household Pet Kittens
Rank Name Score
1Theodore The Red Baron3232
2A Touch O Destiny2761
3Bub Bub Bubba2429
5Herbie Love Bug1225
Household Pets
Rank Name Score
2Theodore The Red Baron4564
3Thorbart Hammerpuss3664
4Bub Bub Bubba3234
6Blue Boy2419
7Mr Ziggie1364
9Benji Fonzirelli1176