The Sweestest Taboo de Traouiero
1 1 11 2023/04/15d KS 210 210
2 2 11 2023/04/15d CC 199 409
3 2 11 2023/04/15d AK 199 608
4 2 10 2023/04/15d TV 198 806
5 2 10 2023/04/15d SC 198 1004
6 3 11 2023/04/15d JML 188 1192
7 3 11 2023/04/15d CS 188 1380
8 3 10 2023/04/15d KV 187 1567
9 8 32 2023/01/07b AKK 154 1721
10 10 28 2023/01/07b AKK 128 1849
11 1L 4 2023/04/15d KS 93 1942
12 4L 5 2023/04/15d AB 71 2013

Region: ES
Shows: ES=2

Points shown above are estimates based on show reports and are not official scoring.