Just Silver Tiger
1 4 42 2023/04/29a KV 208 208
2 4 41 2023/04/29a KV 207 415
3 4 38 2023/04/29a KV 204 619
4 6 41 2023/04/29a TV 185 804
5 6 41 2023/04/29a BE 185 989
6 6 40 2023/04/08a MD 184 1173
7 7 42 2023/04/29a TV 175 1348
8 7 39 2023/04/29a TV 172 1520
9 7 37 2023/04/08a KV 170 1690
10 8 42 2023/04/29a BE 164 1854
11 8 40 2023/04/08a KV 162 2016
12 8 37 2023/04/08a MD 159 2175
13 2S 21 2023/04/29a BE 159 2334

Region: ES
Shows: ES=2

Points shown above are estimates based on show reports and are not official scoring.