Estimated Standings by Region, 2022 - South Central

Rank Name Breed Score
1Bella Mia Nick-of-TImeES6920
2Oberlin Carlota the ChocolatierHB6622
3Mtnview Keegan of TuftsntrillsMC5908
4Celestialspots EphemerisEM5751
5Phoenix Rise Winx of OberlinSG5643
6Txelfkatz Java Jive of MiracatzDR5537
7Embery Quantum of AllfoldintooneBS5273
8Allfoldintoone Boilem MashemSCS5269
9Keepurrs TrueRD5255
10Tersanctus Salt And Light of KLMOL5034
11Ranchcats ScoutMC4944
12Bayouash 7Bridgesroad of StarghattsAS4595
13Cattrekker Altra of LunakatzAB4399
14Bluerags Dblshot Cappuccino For LeoRD4193
15Pettipaws Charles Xavier of ComixDR4067
16Housemainecoons Venus of VellosoMC3648
17Devonology SpenceDR3561
18Sukhotai Shaken Not StirredSI3474
19Tersanctus Dark Before Dawn of KLMOL3447
20Aloracats Rocket ManBG3371
21Lunakatz KyloBG3236
22Artemissavannah PlatinumSV3167
23Bluebonnet S Mystic TopazMNT3142
24Comix Silver FoxDR3065
25Murashoff ChereshnyaSX2729
26Cajunragdolls Tiger LillyRD2704
27(N) Amazing Star's Pedro of BeijingRD2675
28Howlingcoyote Tempest Past PrologueSO2637
29Distinct Pussy GaloreSX2626
30Howlingcoyote OrsinoSO2603
31Konakats Miss Marfa of RanchcatsMC2585
32Tersanctus Borrowed Light of KLMOS2573
33Ranchcats GinspurrgOS2518
34Radiance SantanaOS2421
35Lotsofspots Grey GooseBG2412
36Singville Minnie Pearl of OberlinSG2320
37Shiekspurr CharityHI2309
38Radiance Motley Crue of HojpojOS2298
39Mtnview Leonid of MyluckystarsMC2263
40Myluckystars KalidoscopeMC2258
41Shiekspurr CandyHI2155
42Blossom Gloriosa Daisy MaeRD2139
43Romiracle Yula of LuxecatsSFL2005
45BR Cardigans ShockMC1929
46TX-Rex's Ms Lady ByrdDR1905
47Aloracats TzarinaBG1842
49Bluebonnet S KanaMNT1838
50Acirrekatz Strawberry MoonSX1814
51Bayouash Hillbilly BoneAS1761
52Lotsofspots Rayne DancerBG1706
53Ranchcats AmberOS1678
54Mytoygerden Bellabaloo GoldTG1601
55Allweneedis Delightfully CuteRD1519
56Alpinelegend Agent BlessingPB1511
57Marigolds AgustinaPS1501
58Vikingforest's IkeNF1475
59Tersanctus Jubilate of KLMOL1447
60Sarajen Titan of KonakatsMC1445
61Permarex Spice It Up of TxelfkatzDR1411
62Jazzycat Chief ChirpaSB1404
63Murashoff CharodeySX1397
64Skinisin Bodacious LoveSX1350
65Blossom Peach FinesseRD1277
66Mytoygerden Grizzly GoldTG1208
67Bayouash Silver BulletAS1207
68Txcountrycats Rhythm/CFSRL1198
69Ranchcats Lightspeed of LionheartedOS1179
70TAutumsun Jax Kaluacreme O SacchicatSI1178
70TCajunragdolls Miss BlueberryRD1178
72Shiekspurr FaithHI1167
73Shoshoni Miranda of MysticjewelssxSX1144
74Wynterfells The Lark AscendingNF1117
75Le-Vell ThundercloudHI1114
76Vikingforest's Baby RuthNF1106
77Shaticohome EliasBS1068
78Sportingfields Silver AssetsMC1036
79Lunakatz CayenneBG1033
80Dawntreader Stevie NicksMCP1029
81Radiance Lady Whistledown of HojpojOS892
82Sartre de La Soie LyonnaiseDR887
83Countrycats Zoolander of CaduceusSR875
84Rejinald Lilac Prince IIIBS870
85Tinylions Asia MarieMNL867
86Murmulet VestelLY848
87TAdorabledolls Winter SolsticeRD815
87TRoyal Nefertt Dusk of CelestialspotsEM815
89Doubledbengals Moonlight LunaBG807
90Kattalyst Bohemian RhapsodyOS802
91Txelfkatz Southern BelleDR757
92Le-Vell Texas RoundupHI754
93Cascademtn Jasmine of TropikoonsMC740
94Composercat's Ave Maria of CocorainHB739
95Sukhotai Cafe Au LaitSI726
96Kayserai SultanTV723
97Shiekspurr HopeHI676
98Sporting Fields Ducky's Day OutMC654
99Hojpoj IrisOS637
100RTT Puddy TadRD622
101ItsRainingMins GoldfingerMNL619
102Radiance Bluer Than BlueOS609
103Distinct Chocolate MartiniSX606
104Opmbengals Fugazi of LotsofspotsBG598
105Showboat of MytoygerdenTG597
106Distinct Skindecent ProposalSX595
107Mayansphynx IxbalanqueSX589
108Mayansphynx ChucSX587
109TX Rex's Lavender And LaceDR585
110Familytimerags Travelin To The MoonRD579
111Fricks Dashing DannyBG571
112Siblings Fiesta SnowOS568
113Isabella Snejnaya ZimaSB546
114Nebraskcoons StalloneMC519
115Arkancoons Is A BelleMC512
116Ranchcats Rumorhasit of DawntreaderMC499
117Therhine Tofu of WoodsbengalsBG492
118Ranchcats Miss ElviraMC485
119Kitti Kat Remington SteeleSR480
120Le-Vell Crystal PurrsuasionHI471
121Silverstorm Levina of WildnexoticBG469
122Txelfkatz Tennessee WhiskyDR461
123Nightmusic Thor The AvengerSB458
124Boutiquexoticat EthanSV452
125Ranchcats One TeardropOS430
126Wynterfells Lavender BlueNF429
127Heaven Bound My Golden LennoxBG408
128Lunakatz Silvercharm of BengalmanorBG390
129Ranchcats Emmie MaeMC385
130Narcissa KikiSF380
131Avetill's Jackfrost of SpirithillMC369
132Empress Eudoxia SolovPD366
133Eyktan LanaMC343
134Ranchcats Almost Two TeardropOS341
135Doubledbengals Lady XenaBG331
136Bayouash Sugar N SpiceAS330
137Behold P Anders of VellosoMCP326
138I-Catchers Cleopatra of PrecisionPS324
139Lerougebengals Kira of ColormyspotsBG320
140Spanishpeaks The Amazing PerseusSB300
141TMainesail Captain AlexanderMC299
141TRanchcats Venus Shes Got ItOS299
143Happytrills MarfaMC297
144TX-Rex Margarita of ColormyspotsDR295
145TFamilytimerags NatsukiRD291
145TSimplyblessed Mait Sierra BlizzardBG291
147Lukel OliverBS286
148Goliada Chambray of PrecisionPS284
149Oda Viva GoldSF264
150Ranchcats No TeardropsOS248
151Marble Kongs AmadeyMC237
152Kanin Sparkling Star of Le-VellHI225
153RTT BeautyRD216
154Ranchcats Pretty BoyOS215
155Abccats Hershey KissesMC214
156Mytoygerden PR Josi BearTG212
157Fairytaleragdol Nicole KidmanRD204
158Bolshoi RockcoSB201
159Bosayra Good LodmeinMC197
160TSukhotai Hi Ho SilverSI194
160TDawntreader Vivian PinkMC194
162Le-Vell Blazing StarHI192
163Wynterfells Hello DollyNF190
164Aloracats NovaBG183
165Mainesuspect Lark of KonakatsMC181
166RTT MaoRD178
167Siblings Tri Dot JellybeanOS176
168Bengalsofccr Brown TrufflesBG170
169Tuftsntrills OliverMC162
170Eyktan QuentinMC150
171Countrycats Colby ChocolatestarfishSRL148
172Ranchcats Kechara of CattrekkerOS146
173Feliland Golden Mystical WillowBS142
174Dianysus KurisumasuSI141
175Happytrills AuroraMC140
176Penny Viva GoldSF137
177Bluerags Purrla Ella BellaRD129
178Mainesuspect La PalomaMC128
179Anaynoa Saga Kind of MagicDR127
180TWoodsbengals Jaidah LilyBG126
180TThor Moreno Mex.Fci.BG126
182Jogobella MelluandiaMC118
183TMaria Photon RambeauSB116
183TDawntreader van DevanterMCP116
185TKatoplis Don JulioOS115
185THappytrills Here Comes The SunMC115
187TLe-Vell Rising StarHI105
187TBerkana House ZitaSCL105
189TKawajineko GaryPS104
189TNebraskcoons Uki LaylaMCP104
189TArkancoons Stevie NyxMC104
192Bengalsofccr Jiminy CricketBG95
193MX*Quereta Kun ZatannaMC93
194Lagallerie SpottamochaBG75
Championship Cats
Rank Name Breed Score
1Marleevo Fire N BrimstoneES11936
2Silvercharm Dexter of PlymouthrockBS11827
3Oberlin Carlota The ChocolatierHB11507
4Sukhotai Shaken Not StirredSI10679
5Willowblue Maverick of PlymouthrockAS10419
6Phos Hilaron Hoosierdadi of OberlinHB9942
7Celestial Spots ElektraEM9571
8Starghatts Rolls Royce of TxsbirmansBI9130
9Pawcitys Alexis Ovechkitten TinylioMNL8874
10Devonology's PenelopeDR7542
11Blanche Phanagoria of ComixDR7533
12Bayouash 7bridgesroad of StarghattsAS6209
13Sukhotai Rani-sonSI5754
14Flashragdolls SapphireRD5603
15Dawntreader Maybe Its MaybellineMC5574
16Aloracats Rocket ManBG5377
17Bella Mia Nick-of-TImeES4689
18Ranchcats ScoutMC4578
19Ranchcats Run Away Tuk TukSI4356
20Bywater Garfield of VikingforestNF4229
21Juliannedolls Trevor Oak of BlossomRD4150
22Mysticjewelssx Fancy PantsSX3833
23Le-Vell ThundercloudHI3542
24S*Viento's FidlerNF3411
25Klazeekats Taffy of RanchcatsOS3382
26Karissimakat GrandfinalePS3314
27Mytoygerden Grizzly GoldTG3299
28Tersanctus Dark Before Dawn of KLMOL3225
29Shiekspurr PeachesHI3018
30Showboat of MytoygerdenTG2768
31Lotsofspots Rayne DancerBG2745
32Coolspots Sage of LunakatzBG2537
33Opmbengals Fugazi of LotsofspotsBG2521
34Happytrills Here Comes The SunMC2362
35Romiracle Yula of LuxecatsSFL2330
36Bluerags Dblshot Cappucino For LeoRD2108
37Familytimerags NatsukiRD2096
38Mtnview Leonid of MyluckystarsMC2045
39GGLegacy Verity of DawntreaderMCP1974
40Dawntreader Vivian PinkMC1957
41Allweneedis Delightfully CuteRD1884
42Somalissa Ezzie of HowlingcoyoteSO1855
43Dnilesphynx Ma ShinkoSX1821
44Radiance Motley Crue of HojpojOS1819
45Le-Vell Texas RoundupHI1796
46Bespokebengals Xylina UmbraBG1664
47Berstuk King UlgenSB1643
48Tersanctus Jubilate of KLMOL1603
49Shiekspurr HopeHI1533
50Cajunragdolls Mystic KreweRD1517
51Txelfkatz Java Jive of MiracatzDR1498
52Sultan Pasha Purring PillowsBS1486
53Familytimerags Travelin To The MoonRD1480
55Mr Arnold's Maeve of VikjarDR1466
56BG*Quentin Beauty JoyBS1409
57Willowblue Dimond Red of BayouashAS1391
58I'm All Yours of Royal Angel*CZBS1376
59Aloracats MarcusBG1357
60Dnilesphynx Moonlight KissesSX1354
61Txelfkatz Burning Love of NextgenDR1348
62Radiance Lady Whistledown of HojpojOS1346
63Dsjewels Akari of FamilytimedollsRD1297
64Boutiquecats AdagioBG1277
65HU*Nordic Verden Peter ParkerNF1274
66Cloudcity Mr Wonka of MilehithaidiTH1267
67MX Queretakun TherionMC1211
68Yankee Best Show*RuDR1203
69Ranchcats Venus Shes Got ItOS1111
70Alpinelegend Agent BlessingPB1097
71Ekun Frida KahloBG1076
72Acirrekatz Beautiful BLK Eye PeaSX1070
73Ulrika Forest BrothersMC1068
74Lunakatz Louis Xiv LuxlouisianeBG1066
75Txcountrycat's Rhythm/CFSRL1053
76Cacao Espionage of MarleevoES1050
77Ravena Baby StarSX1015
78Starghatts SateenBI1008
79Cajunragdolls Tiger LillyRD990
80Balihoo GhirardelliOL940
81Coloradopixies Rudy 2PB901
82Raynewood's Gruagach of TX-Elfka/CFDR873
83Rapture Ginger of RagdollhouseRD871
84Geronimo Wild Spots of WildnexoticBG870
85DK Lyngkatten's Lucifer MorningstarMC820
86Oberlin Zubana of PhoenixriseSG816
87Hojpoj IrisOS794
88Siblings Daisy BelleOS782
89Tuftsntrills OliverMC777
90Marigolds AmapolaPS770
91Txelfkatz ValentinoDR757
92TYaromir Vivalavita*RuSB739
92TMisiangashnawi NiohRD739
94Kitti Kat Remington SteeleSR733
95Nathan Million Reasons *PLBS730
96Milehithai Kikko of DianysusOS721
97TAmelia AndikoruaDR713
97TStarghatts Sole SurvivorBI713
99Blossom Peach FinesseRD705
100Bayouash Silver BulletAS695
101Hojpoj Lady Godiva of AcirrekatzBA672
102Happytrills Youre In My HeartMC661
103Mysticjewelssx Pixie of DnileSX624
104GGLegacy Cosmo of DawntreaderMC612
105Dawntreader Midnight BlueMCP587
106Cascademtn Poppy of TuftsntrillsMC584
107Morning Star Forest BrothersMC571
108Arkancoons Ravija of PsycaticsMC569
109Skinisin Bodacious LoveSX561
110Aramis von ShmidtBS533
111Empress Pulcheria Allen SolovePD518
112Happytrills AuroraMC514
113Cottontop Whiskey Chaser! of KernelPS508
114Myluckystars GnocchiMC499
115Sierogatos TiramisuRD495
116Bluebonnet S AnothershotoftequilaMNT490
117Regal Sactuaryettore BugattiMC489
118Tehuacana Cinnamon SpiceSO475
119Ranchcats Kechara of CattrekkerOS471
120Blueskies Sydney Clawsby TinylionsMNL466
121Crmaines Lunar EclipseMC452
122Verification Gerhard of LotsofspotsBG449
123Sunlit Catalyst of Rare EarthPS443
124Bumblebe Romance N RosesBI419
125TX-Rex Margarita of ColormyspotsDR414
126Steelecats Queenie Blue BeeMC405
127Polly Sharlikova Snezhniv BarsSB390
128Imagine Cattery Lady AvaBS388
129Sportingfields Silver AssetsMC387
130Distinct Pussy GaloreSX365
131Familytimerags Unbearably CuteRD364
132Bjarkun Dolce Perro*PLMC352
133Cajunragdolls PoppyRD346
134Fluffylove Flying Soot SpriteSCS335
135Fantasycats Ashoka de BodhitreeHI334
136Las Vegas Best Show*RuSX330
137Mytoygerden Baloo GoldTG324
138Mishka FaunaNF315
139Rococo Style Vkokeshi Lucas/WCDR311
140NO*Dara's Mr No Good!RD303
141Misiangashnawi StarfireRD293
142Siblings IsabellaOS292
143Pattnchat Rossi of DevonologyDR291
144Psycatics Hdsammy of ArkancoonsMC283
145TStar Goddess AstraehSX282
145TJazzycat Chief ChirpaSB282
147Cacao Honeysuckle of Le-VellPS275
148Mayansphynx Ix USX272
149Marigolds VictoriaPS268
150Sacramental HenriettaMC262
151Queretakun Zedryk ZantozkaMC260
152Edvin Av KarotrollhusNF241
153It*Cotton Flowers GiottoRD240
154Cosy Alien Homes Bagira NochkaSX236
155Boutiquecats LegatoBG234
156TQualitycats MazapanBG232
156TElisacoons SimkaMC232
158Cajunragdolls Miss BlueberryRD229
159Yani-Vesta Good LodmeinMC218
160Granat Volga PearlsMC217
161Doubledbengals Hunter of LileopardBG216
162Monterini Ti-Rex of Konakats/FIMC209
163Jogobella MelluandiaMC197
164Caroline Snow White AngelsSB196
165Qantar Caiman Sudden BlazingMC192
166MX Queretakun ToritoMC188
167Lotsofspots Levi of DoubledbengalsBG186
168Metatroneyes Eule of MyluckystarsMC184
170Mojo Maines Arya of ArkancoonsMC180
171Pawkavenue Hot LipsPS176
172TOak Village Tiger LillyES173
172TLagallerie SpottamochaBG173
174Cajunragdolls Deja VuRD171
175Bayouash Busta BrownAS163
176Sportingfields Star of DawntreaderMC159
177Lukel OliverBS156
178Lunakatz EclipseBG146
179Kiddlyn HonjomasumuneJBL145
180Bayouash MystiqueAS144
181Miracle Almighty Erebus God-of-D/IDSX139
182Familytimedolls JolietRD137
183Koenigsee RosalieBS136
184Dianysus TamikoSI134
185Le-Vell Crystal PurrsuasionHI133
186Tersanctus Borrowed Light of KLMOS131
187TDnilesphynx Midnight RendezvousSX129
187TDawntreader EverlyMC129
187TShiekspurr FaithHI129
190TPurrr CillaRD122
190TSilverlight Prince AlbertBS122
192Skinzin's Little Black Dress/CFSX120
193Acirrekatz Fire And IceSX119
194Wynterfells Hello DollyNF117
195Coastalragdolls Loki of Rags2RichesRD116
196Kronburg JordanMC115
197Caleita Scatter Hearts of BumblebeBI107
198Kim SeokjinPS104
199Kanin Sparkling Star of Le-VellHI102
200Txelfkatz Dusty of VikjarDR100
201Housemainecoons Venus of VellosoMC95
202Acirrekatz Sweet CornbreadSX94
203Aliya de Miming Stars*PTNF93
204Hairycats AghataPS92
205MX Olavarrieta CruellaBS88
206Coloredscottish CappieSCS77
Rank Name Breed Score
1Tersanctus Be Radiant of KLMOL11223
2Borya Sausage And PeanutsSX10140
3Willowblue Capt NickelasAS9853
4Starghatts Lassiter of TxsbirmansBI9838
5Radiance Endeavour of StrayincOS8857
6Willowblue Hisstorical RomanceAS8764
7Txelfkatz Bodhi Da Lil RocketmanDR8315
8Karissimakat Colonel ParkerHI8073
9Marleevo's Stripe It Rich/CFES7743
10Howlingcoyote Martha My DearSO7663
11Urbansafari ValkyrieSV7621
12Kayserai SultanTV7287
13Newdestiny Tiramisu of ShiekspurrHI6109
14Vicketales Cocoa PuffPS6092
15Keepurrs TrueRD5873
16Aloracats PietroBG5130
17Sportingfields Walkin' On The SunMC4783
18Dawntreader GimliMC4723
19Lostwoods GalvestonNF4672
20Ranchcats Realslimshady of CaduceusSI4290
21Ouijakatz Rubeus HagridNF4100
22Cloudcity ArloTH4030
23Cattrekker Altra of LunakatzAB3931
24Cajunragdolls CoushattaRD3318
25Dawntreader McReynoldsMC3189
26Kitti Kat MiloSR3152
27Steelecats IsagoraMC3122
28Mabuhay PicardCX2982
29Damman Amur Orsolya of BerstukSB2974
30Silkyamber Hugo-MonteyMCP2804
31It*Wish Come True Del Falco d'OroES2522
32Bayoumoon Lil Bit-of-Honey/CFPS2485
33Devonology's Copper UthmanDR2328
34Nudawnz This Is Not The EndBA2244
35Dollhouse Pure LuckRD2173
36Aloracats SavatarBG1980
38Jazzycat LilySB1895
39Imagine Cattery Sir Octavius Gus GusBS1892
40Marbleous Samson of HellokittyBG1885
41Urbansafari OdinSV1739
42Txelfkatz LoreleiDR1649
43Psycatics MolokaiMC1508
44Misiangashnawi GigiRD1488
45Familytimerags Little Miss SunshineRD1414
46Windleaves Top Gun of PlymouthrockAS1398
47Ranchcats Elspeth of CattrekkerOS1346
48Hotstuff Tall Dark Handsome JoePS1339
49Caramba La ChulaPS1334
50Sierogatos GuinnessRD1318
51Ranchcats MagnumOS1308
52Bigrivercoon Pioneer ZephyrMC1300
53Berstuk Dymka TsarinaSB1241
54Jammela SerendipitySI1230
55Abccats Jaxson Nne One OneMC1208
56Siblings Emerald SpiritOS1183
57Sierogatos PierrotRD1137
58Cloudcity NinaTH1088
59Howlingcoyote OrsinoSO1039
60Siblings Indigo Sky of KayzieOS1012
61D'Eden Lover Azkaban of Garnicats/CFPS990
62Arkancoons BeauxdaciousMC954
63Radiance Doolin Dalton of HojpojSI952
64Britz JadeBS949
65Dawntreader van DevanterMCP911
66Vikingforest IkeNF902
67Rosette Beauty FactoryBS900
68Cica Radagast The Brown of BerstukSB830
69Colorado Maine Coons Fenty KionaMC748
70Txelfkatz Not Too ShabbyDR742
71Txelfkatz I Love LucyDR722
72Mishka RembrandtNF714
73Vanir Ullr Mountain ExplorerNF685
74Vontaunusnebel Charlie of KerenaAUM678
75Traipse Hugs N KissesBG638
76Txelfkatz Jester In Shining ArmorDR530
77Ragdollhouse HumeRD511
78Countrycats Zoolander of CaduceusSR486
79Schooner's Sailor MmonAS482
80Hotstuff ShyannePS478
81Ranchcats FlashbackMC474
82Doubledbengals Lady XenaBG439
83Boutiquecats DinoBG432
84Carisma Holiday of GarnicatsPS418
85Wynterfells Passion FlowerNF415
86Cajunragdolls Bam BamRD405
87Devinedevons's Sharkie of PixiepurrDR393
89Royalhills Gold Gemini StarliteMC369
90Newans Gunslinger of CaduceusSX290
91Alpine Legends Gold PannerPBL258
92OWHL Gaius Octavius Caesar AugustusSF247
93Cajunragdolls KateriRD177
94Pendragon JaspurrTO172
95Cica Rusalka Ariel of BerstukSB153
96Ouachita Sugar OmalleyBS145
97Finnigan Mariposa Magic ElfDR144
98OWHL Princess ZeldaSF135
99KLM Glace Noire O ChanlokmeowOS119
100Prekrasne Jus In BelloSB118
101TMunchkinlane S Dawg ToiMNL115
101TBywater Berlioz Mountain ExplorerNF115
Household Pet Kittens
Rank Name Score
1Loki of Conexa5714
3Summer Solstice5315
4Night Fury of Conexa5065
5Dreamsicle of Strayinc5019
6Lilyth of Conexa4948
7Cremesycle of Strayinc4783
8Churo of Strayinc4720
10Fudgesicle of Strayinc4482
11Texas Hyades of Cajunragdolls4364
12Cactus Rose of Bluebonnet3691
13What a Ringer of HowlingCoyote3529
14Beckham of Elagans2749
15Biscuitsngravy of Lotsofspots2632
16Sir Boots Wellington2452
17Lavendar Lu2315
18Ornery Ombre1693
19Helena of Conexa1666
20Silver Belle of Purrfecthills1578
21Artemis of Conexa1523
22Miko Girl1340
24Tiny Tim of Stonehaven1209
28Miko of Tehuacana923
31Princess Zara of Purrfecthills480
32Krystal His Whisper My Name132
Household Pets
Rank Name Score
1Texas Hyades of Cajunragdolls10630
3Chocolate Parfait of Txsbirmans9259
4Princess Mona Lisa8961
5Lady Byng of Vimy8675
6Duchess Noel8180
7Miss Butterscotch of Txsbirmans8156
8Pink Panther7755
11Pickles of Hellokitty6895
12Harlea Quinn6748
13Nebula Blake5636
14Izzy of Cajunragdolls5412
15Klondikes Polar Expurress5132
17Krystal His Whisper My Name4132
18Woody Whiskers of Cajunragdols3937
19Moto Moto of Aloracats3357
20Zoompurr of Howlingcoyote3047
21Chuck Norris2887
22Jelly Bean2844
23Sir Max A Million2829
24Lily of Doubledbengals2544
25Lavender Lu2253
26Bam Bam of Countrycats2085
27Queen Josephine1915
28Cinnabon of Bluebonnet1840
29Sonny of Marvelouskoonz1829
31Remington of Stonehaven1788
32Even of Abccats1667
35Silverlight Eartha Kitt1450
36Misylittle Dale1433
37Marie of Odesseycatz1319
38Onery Ombrey1278
40Saucy Lady Nugget1245
42Ember Moon1230
43Loki of Conexa1167
44JB of Purrfecthills1137
45Lychi Jessel1136
46Blast Off Apollo1132
47TMinnie Winnie1074
47TScarlett In Patches of Strayinc1074
49Gigi Zahara Benet1048
51Wolfie Rockme Amadeus935
52Mele Kalikimaka869
53Cleo Wells854
54Virgil Earp of Conexa850
57Ninja Girl715
58Carol Wells645
59Dakota Sunrise642
61Streusel Swirl623
62Ollie The Key Thief615
63Lyra Belacqua of Conexa530
65Buffalo Bill499
66Vera Chic Dashofdarling476
67Buche de Noelle435
73Helena of Conexa143
76Solana of Aloracats97
77Miles of Tehuacana96