2020-2021 Kitten Standings: 201-400

These tables show estimated TICA international award standings based on the show reports generated by volunteer show reporters.

Because these estimates are compiled from show reports, the scores shown here may not be accurate. In particular,

  • These estimates do not include points from color and division awards.
  • Reports are not available for all shows. In some cases, the clubs have not sent marked catalogs to their regional show reporter.
  • The marked catalogs have not been checked against the judges' books.
  • The show reports may contain data-entry errors in the names or awards.
  • Cats are not identified by registration number in the show reports, so significant differences in spelling of the names may cause scores to be split when they are compiled.
  • Scores for cats with very similar or identical names may be combined.

These standings are not published by the TICA Executive Office and are not official.
Please do not contact TICA if these scores do not agree with your calculations.

This report was generated Thu May 20 14:25:24 2021.

RankKitten Standings: 201-400
Int'l Regn Breed Name Rgn Breed Score
201T102Alphacat Dexter ENKBL995
201T719Dinkidi Penny Lane SEBS995
203119Milord ForestHunter ENSB990
2042224Bigrivercoon Josey Wales NWMC987
205710Schneeballen Rex AESB981
206819Bloomdolls Boobi-Boobi AERD953
207723Hirscheez Miss Vanna SEHI952
208283Sunbriar Decadence MATA948
209382Dawntreader Aslan SCMCP947
210737Annies Inkydinkydoo of Baldfantsea SESX940
21161Kwazulu Ulwazi EWSV939
212394Posse Cats Archie of Ranchcats SCOS922
213T746Wavemakers Bohemian Rhapsody SESRL916
213T920Dalbong GGang AEBG916
215758A1 Xquisicats Jazz Man SEAB914
216511Hamilton Siberian Magic NESB909
2177621SouthernPines No Chains On Me SEBG908
218612Sterlingcatz Tess Clementine NESB906
21977Pocketcharm Miss Moppet NESR903
220127Laurence of SultanNaf ENSRL901
2217710Kashmirzkatz Star Light SEPS878
2222310Gemma Brylantowa Elita of McSmitten NWBS876
2237820Riterags Just In Time SERD868
224T1013Spiritofsiberia Delight Schneeballe AESB858
224T7911Elviskitkat Pandoras Box SEPS858
226409Ranchcats Sam The Man SCSI855
2278012Pursnickity LL Cool J of ElviskitkatSEPS842
228415Hojpoj Duchess Kate of Radiance SCOS840
229815Kazakh's Day Trader/CF SERB835
230722Devinespirits Butterfly Pasha EWBG808
231161Midnitemoon Soul Oof the Fire GLOC802
232828GAHLee Billie SESF801
2338314Gregori Wild Soul of Criadero Los AnSESB800
234294Kaylee's Chocolatier MACR798
2358421Riterags Just To Impress SERD795
236423Tersanctus Dark Before Dawn of KLM SCOL782
237T13T5Shabbymur Jackson ENCR779
237T13T23Bengamin Banderas ENBG779
239246B'pikachu cattleya*PL of Privet NWRB761
240T85T6KuKi JackPot of CompassRose SEOS745
240T85T24Silverstorm Maharani of Bengallily SEBG745
2423025SolanaRanch Matilda MABG739
2434326Lotsofspots Rayne Dancer SCBG728
2442527Amazongold Soul Journey of Byers NWBG724
245878Wavemakers I Want It All SESRL719
246116Mykros Rising Star of Myohan AECR717
247444Shiekspurr Peaches SCHI712
248123Bluedryad Beojji AENF710
249453Birquest Repo Man of Newbir SCBI709
250T1311Grandblue Ddomi AEBS708
250T4625Bigtexcoons Bigshot Dwayne SCMC708
2523128BrilliantBengal Perseus Michael MABG695
25386Chicsweet Thunder Storming Through EWES689
254T4729TCoolspots Sage of Lunakatz SCBG681
254T1429TDalrae Taeyang AEBG681
2568815Siberianlife Forget Me Not SESB671
2574826Marvelouskoonz Anne Marie SCMC660
2584927Sportingfields Joy of Dawntreader SCMC659
2591513Beautyshell Tantalos ENPS657
260154Bluedryad Eunoia AENF653
2612628Bigrivercoon Pale Rider NWMC640
262278Fantcfur Louie Demands Gifts NWSX633
263507Jobara's Feeling Good of Txelfkatz SCDR626
264T8929Mainesuspect Bagheera of Cascademtn SEMC624
264T283Mishikoonz Mystic Lake NWMCP624
266908Moonlake Oliver Twist SESR619
2672930Aoineko Blackberry Braemble NWMC617
2685131Marvelouskoonz Big Bertha SCMC612
269916Demaris Orion SESFL606
2703231Capstone This Is The Way of CarolinaMABG593
271932Ramses Des Griffes De Feu/LO EWBG583
272164Plum Pudding Mystery Mask ENBI581
273165Bluedryad Embla AENF576
2749214Elviskitkat Boggie Woggie Man SEPS575
275T528Txelfkatz Rhythm And Blues SCDR572
275T309Felinecurly Lobster Bisque NWSR572
2773316WallE Lunnaya Dymka of ProPurr MASB569
278934Je Ris Ishta SETA567
279833Wonderlandbnglz Folklore NEBG565
280347Leggs Luna Park of Kattalyst MAOS564
281535Birquest Rafferty of Newbir SCBI562
2821034Butterflybengal Aurora EWBG561
2831715Elrohi Koye AEPS560
284186Bluedryad Nymeria AENF552
2855435Doubledbengals Hunter SCBG551
286T1922TAppledolls Archive of Marondollis AERD550
286T3522TAdorabledolls Vana of Rumiragdolls MARD550
288559Countrycats Destiny SCSRL549
2892012Miraclebri Wendy AEBS545
2902124Appledolls Genie AERD541
291171Singa Rus Sargon ENSG540
2922225Paramountcy Hummie of Deardolls AERD538
293T3610Glor-ee Original Cindy MASI528
293T1113Enchantedpaws Suzie Q EWBS528
2952314Goldsunset Sinamon AEBS527
296T371Littlebeans S Athena of Rugrunners MAMK519
296T314Mishikoonz Summerland NWMCP519
298187Shabbymur Jersey ENCR516
2992415Kokolino British Velvet AEBS509
3005610Bayouash Mystique SCAS508
3012516Spariver Casper AEPS507
302T267Bluedryad Modi AENF505
302T192Emilistel Chloe ENBU505
3043826Usapurrs Roman of Rumiragdolls MARD496
305398Elemental's I've Got Chemistry MAOS495
306T4036Speakeasy My Lucky Strike of Alayna MABG492
306T9427Sunnyshores Treasure In The Sand SERD492
308917Sterlingcatz Suzie Q NESB490
309T1232Goldkrystals Nala EWMC486
309T4137BrillantBengal Great Gatsby MABG486
311425Jennypurz Andromeda MATA485
312T3228Heavenlyrags Summer Breeze NWRD484
312T9538Boydsbengals Breakingnews SEBG484
3149617Kashmirkatz Star Bright SEPS476
315111Willowblue Arenita of Gacrux SAAS475
316337Charlotte Stars Ua T Nightstar BagheNWSFL472
3171018Rockaran Juno of Sterlingcatz NESB466
3181139WonderlandBnglz Feels Like Home NEBG464
319578Muse Bella Truffles SCSFL462
320T3416McSmitten Karma NWBS461
320T2729Bright Crystall Uriel AERD461
3222833Lionwoods Zeck AEMC450
3235834Dawntreader Aleta of Marvelouskoonz SCMC445
3249730Usapurrs Be Still My Heart SERD442
3252931Appledolls Wink For Angel AERD439
3263032Bloomdolls Make A Splash AERD438
3275935Cascademtn Pepper of Konakats SCMC434
3283117Goldsunset Dalnim AEBS428
3299836WeBeCoons Confetti SEMC427
330609Jobara's Mambo Sun of Txelfkatz SCDR424
331991LaHoni Carrera SEPD419
332612Urbansafari Odin SCSV418
333T629Neuf Vies Kylah SCSF417
333T209Wednesday Xenomorph ENOS417
335219Mos Charm Berry Snezhka ENSFL412
336431Aquabella's Sugarland Shine MATO400
3371733RusticKittens Azalea of Cottonblues GLRD394
338636Starghatts Rolls Royce SCBI393
3392212Raizor de Dixiland ENAS390
3401002Sunstyle's Cinnabear SEMK388
3413213Lamagiechat Eye of The Eagle AEAS379
3426434Snugglrags Maggie Mae SCRD377
3433335Appledolls Luming AERD375
3442340Amazongold Adele ENBG374
3456510Txelfkatz Little Sister SCDR368
346T6637Ranchcats Rockefeller of Magnacats SCMC366
346T357Templeparlor Colette NWES366
348368Endelosglede Hot And Saucy NWNF364
3493441Catridingtrees Violet AEBG361
350373Kaperkats Gone Squatchin' NWPB357
3512436Joyous Tajeschidolls ENRD349
3521015Gilvtales Walnut SEHI347
35310210Wavemakers Take A Chance On Me SESRL344
3543518Chupa Chups Iz Doma Mironovoy AEBS340
3552514Rumfold Apricot JAm ENAS339
3566742Lotsofspots Ziggy Stardust SCBG335
3573818Burley Q Zsi Zsi NWPS332
358268Ksanta Bradson of Dar-Liz ENES330
3593910Felinecurly Tornado of Dramatails NWSR329
3604038Bigrivercon Lite Myfire of Aoineko NWMC326
36110339Mainesuspect Mimosa of Cascademtn SEMC325
362T4115Catsy Cline's Axel Rose NWAS321
362T369Fermata Geneva AEAB321
3644237Lapdolls Josephina NWRD316
365T2740Mainewood Omfala ENMC315
365T3719Schneeballen Plenty AESB315
36710416Sartoris Atiffa SEAS313
368T3811Golden Dew Oriental Jewel AEDR311
368T4311San-Toi's Mimsa f Happyhour NWSI311
3701056Hylanderclan Aiyana SETA310
3714411Dramatails Tootsie of Felinecurly NWSRL308
372T41TMarsel's Beautiful Charisma --MC306
372T41TZ'zolto Starark --MC306
3744519Miranda Sosheland of Idcattery NWBS303
375T6812Tex-Lonestar Blondie SCDR302
375T10638Usapurrs Salute The Stars N Stripes SERD302
377T3939Gredel Atlantis AERD301
377T1077Hylanderclan's Bianco SETA301
37910843Helegro Pan Tau SEBG296
380128Olivewavz Dory of Reikirex NECR295
381T6912Radiance Parnell of Ranchcats SCSI293
381T4613Facehuggers Chablis of Happyhour NWDR293
383409Bluedryad Cowboy Spike AENF291
38410913Melkatz Dark Truffle SESI288
3854140Deardolls Petit Bear AERD287
38611019Silverestate Ruby SEPS284
3871116Purr-Star Buzz Light Year SEHI280
3884711Catsycline Crazy 4 U of Dramatails NWSR276
3897041Regencyrags Serendipitous Moment SCRD274
3904844Sansoucicats Jazmin Velvet Magic NWBG273
391T282Singarus Ramilya ENSG265
391T4920Wasillia Hear My Thunder NWPS265
3934220Yogurt Fashion Murmaric AEBS264
3947143Dawntreader Prince Charming SCMC263
395T7217Willowblue Dimond Red of Bayouash SCAS259
395T11221ElvisKitKat My Destiny SEPS259
39711344Jaspurrcats Three Steps To Heaven SEMC257
3984321Hybritish My Artist Picasso AEBS251
3992945Mysteeplejack Magic Rainbow ENMC238
4004446Jaspurrcats Asher of Aslanspaw MAMC237