Estimated Standings by Breed - Toyger

Kittens (14)
Rank Name Region Score
1Aluren Sahara of Casacruz SW2526
2Libertybell Aaron AE2063
3Uralpolaris Zira of Taylored 4U NW2045
4Tigervisions Valkyrie EN2030
5Pandora de La Brique Rose ES1351
6Aluren Explorer SE1082
7Uralpolaris Queen Enigma EN898
8Southpawtoygers Piper SE357
9Mytoygerden Rocket of Jubalkatz SC303
10Kirarakan Fancy Dancer AE286
11Eeyaa Merlins Nobbit SW283
12Designerstripes Snow Angel of JubalkSC180
13Libertybell Aberto AE169
14Stars SE126
Championship Cats (15)
Rank Name Region Score
1Wildfx Thriller MA10697
2Tigervisions Comaro EN9403
3Royal Toygers Dior of Dodotoyger AW1505
4Toygercat-Touch's N'Hermes EN1241
5Amosbeebee Encore of Libertybell AE1071
6Black Pearls Opal ES934
7Tigervisions Rocky Of Toygerstar EN573
8UralPolaris Zira of Taylored4U NW474
9Marvelouscats Mikael of Kirarakan AE395
10Hussuriamber Atos ES380
11Aluren Tantoo SE224
12ToygereuropeCharly Brown of Aukkas SA155
13Aluren Sahara of CasaCruz SW147
14Hometigers Frida SA130
15Greencity Michel EN115
Alters (2)
Rank Name Region Score
1Mistymogwai Chief Hyon Lee EW8667
2Suzukaze Cat Ahadi AE605