Siempreamar Lauv of Hovicastle
1 5 45 2020/01/18a PR 200 200
2 7 56 2020/01/04a KR 189 389
3 8 53 2020/01/04a KR 175 564
4 9 39 2020/01/18a KV 150 714
5 3L 18 2020/01/18a MD 145 859
6 3L 18 2020/01/18a SC 145 1004
7 10 43 2020/01/18a EV 143 1147
8 10 38 2020/01/18a SC 138 1285

Region: EN
Shows: ES=2 EN=1

Points shown above are estimates based on show reports and are not official scoring.