2018-2019 Championship Cat Standings: 2006-2205

These tables show estimated TICA international award standings based on the show reports generated by volunteer show reporters.

Because these estimates are compiled from show reports, the scores shown here may not be accurate. In particular,

  • These estimates do not include points from color and division awards.
  • Reports are not available for all shows. In some cases, the clubs have not sent marked catalogs to their regional show reporter.
  • The marked catalogs have not been checked against the judges' books.
  • The show reports may contain data-entry errors in the names or awards.
  • Cats are not identified by registration number in the show reports, so significant differences in spelling of the names may cause scores to be split when they are compiled.
  • Scores for cats with very similar or identical names may be combined.

These standings are not published by the TICA Executive Office and are not official.
Please do not contact TICA if these scores do not agree with your calculations.

This report was generated Wed May 22 13:40:47 2019.

RankChampionship Cat Standings: 2006-2205
Int'l Regn Breed Name Rgn Breed Score
200611521Rexkwizit Batman NECR424
2007T147T89TLunarami Princess Leia SCSX423
2007T11622High Energy Pansy of Ptitesbetes NECR423
2007T147T89TTomasa Ayacata's Dreams/FI SCSX423
2007T22224Tenkaichi's Suzume AESG423
2011T223177Minamifuji Ca Bazz AEBG422
2011T256171Caramel Fur Gyulchatay ESBS422
2011T10470Aconcagua Oaky SAAB422
201486172Xija Elandrea EWBS421
2015T286T178Abao AWBG420
2015T257103Manhattan de L'Instinct Felin ESPS420
2015T286T50Lucas AWDR420
2015T8116Wyndchymes Danica Patrick MAJB420
2019T4020Maikiki Mr. Charles Carson INBU419
2019T13168AZWegie Scarlets Fire SENF419
2019T9212Angel Ins*Ru Fyodor GLSCS419
2022T224T233Farandoll Glen AERD418
2022T25816My Thai Diamond Nadja ESTH418
2022T874Curlpassion Namida EWLP418
2022T224T223Chatile Shine Opale AEMC418
202653179Penasquitos Blazing Sun SWBG417
2027T132224Sportingfields Easter Lily SEMC416
2027T54104Dandys Grace of Pawkavenue SWPS416
2027T13689Cyrridwen Blackberry/CF NWES416
2030149180Lagallerie Forever In My Heart SCBG415
2031T259225Shootinghill Jumbo Nova ESMC414
2031T22613Hemitage Lynn of Medusa AESO414
2031T88T32Sensay ShadycombeLayla EWSI414
2031T88T173PepeandLotte Dorma Norma EWBS414
2035T41226Dandara Kresna INMC412
2035T288234Brownbear Justin AWRD412
2035T2609Iwannasavannah Rene ESSV412
2038T261T235Opale Des Rives du Viaur ESRD411
2038T4271Ganswed Aby-Bima Sakti of Clementia INAB411
2038T261T51Bianca Mariposa of Cavaldo ESDR411
204126390Dar-Liz Marta of Nesslavan ESES410
2042T26491One Million Just For Love ESSX409
2042T15057Perly Orientu's Donna of Siblings SCOS409
20444311Manny INMK408
2045T45181Jungletime Belly Dancer of Fractal MPBG407
2045T105236IT*Dollgalassia Castor SARD407
2047T133182Floridabengls Hoss Catwright SEBG406
2047T5514Specialagent Tiger Track SWPB406
2047T90174Amelia Fabuansky*PL Of Celtic EWBS406
2047T4491Jetstone Jordan of Ganswed INES406
2051T134227Sportingfields Nicodemus SEMC405
2051T265175Queenie Nalim ESBS405
2053T151237Dsjewels Sparkling Sassy Diva SCRD403
2053T28972Bluevika Una AWAB403
2053T9392Vannies Paws Color-of-Love GLES403
2053T9123Sahara Kalanta Solo EWCR403
205729058Kasa AWOS402
2058152228Blondarina Family Stars of Colorado SCMC401
2059T266229LAPD Garfield of Lionheartcoon ESMC400
2059T291105Haendel's Mosaic of Puroland AWPS400
2059T56183Arkham Shatheed SWBG400
2059T15323Purr-Starr Moonlight of Le-Vell SCHI400
20632675Ladybelle de L'Arche De Florette ESCX399
20649224Gatodouro Pablo Picasso EWCR398
2065T22159Fari Stellarum Ouste ENOS397
2065T268T25Silkwave Zack ESCR397
2065T292238Novadolls Baize AWRD397
2065T457Bouzi of Meiya INMNT397
2065T268T69Afrodita Ipar Basoko*ES ESNF397
2070T93176Zlata Bonicat of Kimcatz EWBS396
2070T46106Royaldiamond Baccara INPS396
2072T27070Olaf Sirkad/FI ESNF395
2072T293T239Chinesedolls Lumen AWRD395
2072T137230Allywood Xenium of Larhae NWMC395
2072T22211Securitazz Black Terra ENBO395
2072T293T92Panny AWSX395
2077T22771Littlemew Daichi AENF393
2077T94107Cullykhan Bellini EWPS393
2077T27131Winte Idol A hot Mess! of Arsamandi ESRB393
2080T11732Cookie de Calins NESF392
2080T228231Fairypaw Tina of Lelien AEMC392
2080T138177Celtimist Ashlyn Janis of BCBlues NWBS392
2080T22313Assol Laazarev's Luxury ENSCS392
2080T272T72TAizea de Basajaun ESNF392
2080T295T240TVavidoll Mordred AWRD392
2080T295T240TTeeny Victor AWRD392
2080T272T72TSweet Wolverines Pepper Potts ESNF392
208895178Teddy Edelweiss EWBS391
2089224232Unique Angellos Soir De Luna ENMC390
2090T274T233Nekomata Nagini ESMC388
2090T2297Marimaki Ruru AETO388
2090T274T93Ydem O Trust ESES388
2090T9460Sahja's Touch of Winter Frost GLOS388
2094T225T10TFrostnights Shadegrown ENOL387
2094T225T10TDK*Blomstermarkens O'rion ENOL387
2094T29712Qiqi AWMK387
2097T27621MD*Mira Shanti Cassiopea ESBI386
2097T154242Giannasdolls Autumn SCRD386
2097T22715Russpixi Eva ENPB386
2100T95184Exotiquebengals Rob of Spotsnglitz GLBG385
2100T96179Burleaway Bojanglez of Bedazzlecats EWBS385
210222874Nordrasill Daenerys/FI ENNF384
210329894Huma Grass Cat AWES383
210422913Naglis of Deidaru/Wc ENSCL382
2105T13952Facehuggers Caprice NWDR381
2105T13593Baldfantasea U Put Me On The Spot SESX381
2105T27769Ussuri Tiger Siberian Sapphire ESSB381
2108299243Vavidoll Nero AWRD380
2109T15514Skeemen Morkovka of Howlingcoyote SCSO379
2109T2304Olympe des Perles de l'Estran ENEM379
2109T4622Divo Divnoe Donatello of Chattan MPSFL379
2109T278234Alonzo of Jemima ESMC379
2113T231T25Singarus Delisia ENSG378
2113T300244Dangdang AWRD378
2113T231T73Cellani Siena Weda'Luna ENAB378
2113T9714Candy Viki House*PL EWBL378
2117T965Whitegemcattery Achara GLKM377
2117T230185Medusa Nozomi Nakini Arazu AEBG377
2119T231180TAlimur's Elliot AEBS376
2119T301T180TXiehouse Nailao AWBS376
2119T301T245TVavidoll Arjuna of Hanabicats AWRD376
2119T279235Renesme Silverbastis*PL ESMC376
2119T233245TRagmagic Travelin Man ENRD376
2124T23215Catsroses Rio AEMNL375
2124T280182Roxy Nalim ESBS375
2126T10694Larus Marie Curie SASX374
2126T11826Gwendjis Klyukva NECR374
2126T156T17Cloudcity Kestrel SCTH374
2126T156T24Vicketales Peanut SCHI374
2130T98183Makdissy Apollo EWBS373
2130T15875Fantarja Matthew of Azwegie SCNF373
2132T9941Mowglis Thomas Jefferson Stone EWAS372
2132T119184Lias Potap NEBS372
2132T13610Aluren Shanaya SETG372
2132T23395Queen Panther's Bekky AESX372
2136T140186Solanaranch Persistence NWBG371
2136T303236TYomi's Cat Lei Zhenzi AWMC371
2136T281236TWendy de Ibaialde ESMC371
2139T234187Leopardtico Fantastico ENBG370
2139T30453Tyson Winged Piksi*RU AWDR370
2141T305185Lanbo AWBS369
2141T82188Traipse Furiosa Fascination MABG369
214357189Sonoitas Charmed SWBG367
214410096Newans Marzipan of Divine Sphynx EWSX366
2145T306247Small Bell Anna AWRD365
2145T9723Shovalon Cupcake of Emmers GLSFL365
2145T282T70Matiblue Boyan ESSB365
2145T282T11Hometigers Otis ESTG365
2145T23595Prime Fancy Tommy ENES365
215014114Prince Oliver Fox Demidoff NWSCS363
215198190Highcaliber Moonlight Huntress GLBG362
2152T284T248Neskimoo d'Ultraviolet ESRD361
2152T23615Boona Mignolette ENSCS361
2152T284T15Barcelona Kates Akis*LT ESBL361
2155T10197Gatodouro Ojay EWSX360
2155T120186Anahata Lady Proper NEBS360
2157T234T74TAbyqueen Sophia AEAB359
2157T237108Cuzzoe Bianca Del Rio ENPS359
2157T99191A-Kerr's Vanna Rusa GLBG359
2157T234T74TIndiabi Won Bin of Abyqueen AEAB359
2161T23676Fantarja Ringo Starr AENF358
2161T5821Marvee-Lus Purrypants/CF SWBU358
2161T10076Aksum Back to Black of Nudawnz GLAB358
2161T2389Starark Zefir PP ENMCP358
2165T307187Dingdang AWBS357
2165T101192Thunderrrpaws Ranger of Vskbengals GLBG357
2167308188Pound AWBS356
2168T239193TSpotselotica Chiron ENBG355
2168T286189TOfelia De Los Petolians ESBS355
2168T4722Graymark Nicholas MPBU355
2168T137189TPurrluxe Leopold SEBS355
2168T14254Precious Elf Jacqueline NWDR355
2168T107193TPantherabengals Constantino SABG355
2174T159249Misiangashnawi Chacnicte SCRD354
2174T237195Medusa Unwavering Faith Spotlight AEBG354
2176T287T16TMisket Von Baden Wurttemberg ESSCS352
2176T12133Maya NESF352
2176T287T16TZlata Ural Sun ESSCS352
2179T240238Mainelynx Big Boss ENMC350
2179T28961Lions Prides Darius ESOS350
2181T309191Annaqi Jinli AWBS349
2181T1022Ulalume Dejlige Dhoolish EWCY349
2183T29071Davidoff Siberian Chic ESSB348
2183T23814Strawberry Baby Merina AESCL348
2185T122239TOhserenite Blue Jeans NEMC347
2185T16098Miracle Almighty Erebus God-of-D/ID SCSX347
2185T239T96Madam House Nyanta AEES347
2185T239T239TCybercoon Ginger of Chatjardin AEMC347
2185T14355Prairieheart Esmeandyu NWDR347
219010842Beauchador Doxy of Gacrux SAAS346
2191T291T72Neva Angels Masterpiece ESSB345
2191T291T16Lille del Rey Blanco ESBL345
2191T241T77Des Cavalier Oreada of Dushara ENAB345
2191T241T99Baby Joy Nora ENSX345
2191T291T33Imladris Indil Moritz ESSI345
2196T144100Sphynxcraft Cinderella's Slipper NWSX344
2196T24197Nenneko Yuki AEES344
2196T310250Luxurydolls Ivan of Pinkblue AWRD344
219924277Astellrium Lumia of Azureblue AENF343
2200T138241Coberman Thom of Mainelyclassic SEMC340
2200T109101Catax Menta of Betunes SASX340
2202T24378Catsroses Musubi AENF339
2202T161251Ruby Chantall Perseus SCRD339
2202T311102Jerry AWSX339
2205T832Magicbobs HavUForgotten of Currahee MAABS338
2205T24498D'Eden Lover Molinard of Silk St AEES338
2205T123196Rubicon VineyardBird of WindyRidge NEBG338
2205T13918Kamkai Boo Boo SEPD338