Estimated Standings by Region, 2019 - Southeast

Rank Name Breed Score
1Synergy Altair of Higrove BA7443
2Star Olympus Me Enamore of Riverbin PS7111
3Lildarlynns Silver On The Flip Side MNL6868
4Barmont Daisy Mae CR6644
5Sassietat AJ Dude MC6358
6Catbery Tail Hazelnut of Gil-Vtales/HI6193
7Machita Quentin of Scottishfoldery SFL6124
8Sterlingcatz Dynamic Dmitry SB6113
9Calicoon Chip Shot of Sambercat MC6040
10Star Olympus Maquiavelo of Riverbin PS5988
11Tortiesrus Polaris JB5907
12Steamboat Jackson Of Elviskitkat PS5825
13Pur-Snickity's White Lightning PS5799
14Tortiesrus Mangusta JBL5793
15Willowblue Gen Tecumseh Sherman AS5478
16Gilvtales Miss Madeline HI5461
17Barmont Waiting To Exhale CR5401
18Penelane Peaky Blinders SI5389
19Zayenah Wallaby Of IRuskha OC5355
20Sartoris Arreba AS5352
21Odin Des Furoles D'Ajol SRL5328
22Barmont Ophelia CR5313
23Nite Wind Silver Lady/CF SR5114
24Baldfantasea U Put Me On The Spot SX4916
25Iruskha Atlas OC4835
26Pur-Snickity Thunder of Elviskitkat PS4335
27Rumplepuff Patina BI4254
28Taric Phoebe of Rumblepuff BI4225
29Tortiesrus Casalina JBL4222
30Carolinameows Red Hot Chilli PeppersMC4140
31Riterags Lookie Lookie Lou RD4102
32Whozz Belladiva of A'Tien PS3826
33Sunnyshores Catchin Some Rays RD3764
34Caesarhead Poker Face MC3736
35Wyndchymes Jumpin Jack Flash/CF JB3621
36Pur-Snickitys Abracadabra PS3600
37Curlzz Eureka SRL3529
38Elviskitkat Rewrite The Stars PS3103
39Quiet One Family Stars MC2938
40Mipaws Sea Breeze of Lildarlynns/CF HI2772
41Locustastyle Fire2therain of Jagcat SCL2684
42Catpal Svoboda Strattera KB2605
43Carolinameows Polka Dot Pattie MC2594
44Mainelyclassic Silver Anniversary MC2569
45Caterablu Lady In Blue RB2553
46Riterags Spunkerdoodles RD2429
47Rumblepuff Paint The Town Red BI2421
48Bravura Fire N Ice Of Bearbrook AB2398
49Willowblues Honey Bee BG2323
50Keepers Jordan RD2195
51Sacchidananda Blusafire of Autumsum BA2190
52Baldfantasea Doo Wah Ditty Ditty SX2160
53Darkmoon Third Times Acharm BG2158
54Starbourne Bonnie Jean of Wiccacats ES2122
55Lildarlynns Champagne On Ice MNL2017
56Holyfold Steele Magnolia SF2012
57Southlynn Marvel US Hero BG1965
58Royallions Killianjones MC1932
59Gilvtales Sir Fuzzy Butt HI1914
60Sal-Shire Cookies and Cream RD1831
61Traipse Mountain Reign of Prismatic BG1815
62Floridabengals Ragnar Marles BG1814
63Wavemakers Kingslayer SR1805
64Bodaciousbrits Tussy Mussy BL1794
65Shelgren Kiss My Sass of Tiniru SX1740
66Wavemakers Coat of Many Colors SR1630
67TScottishfoldery Allana My Love SCS1573
67TAskum If I Care of Bearbrook AB1573
69Featherland Martin of Andredie NF1545
70Carolinameows Bana Bana Cabana MC1537
71Steamboat Misha's Ring Of Fire PS1504
72Abscatz Dreamboat Annie of Mainevu MC1491
73Blupaw BMW DR1489
74Livinglegend Ms Jennifur Lopaws PBL1414
75Britsh Gems Honey Badger of Jagcat BS1412
76Anygma Champagne On Ice AB1402
77Iruskha Saxon OC1376
78Caterablu Tokie SG1364
79Sacchidananda Sunnys Blue Diamond BA1356
80Wyndchymes Deacon Blues JB1354
81Catcartel Troubadour Blues AS1353
82Nada Can-Am Just Because LY1324
83Willowtreerags Comet RD1302
84Munchkinlane S House Advantage MK1265
85Kawaiikats Keiko Catsui JBL1251
86Ragmatical Ocean Blue of Riterags RD1164
87Venus BG1151
88Starbourne X Files ES1078
89Sassietat Mitzi MC1053
90Sundaribengals Shep BG1051
91Je Ris Curzon Dax TA1037
92Chiffondolzz Jacques of Sal-Shire RD1009
93Maricipan Family Stars MC964
94Livinglegend Duchess Furgie PB942
95Sunmoonbengals Sar of FloridabengalsBG939
96Myneko Ailis Of Alafia Sky DR921
97Bravura Vanilla Latte AB900
98Nada God Save The Queen DR884
99USApurrs GI Joe RD883
100Kali BG852
101Sacchidananda Blue Pearl BA841
102Arcticeclipse Melts My Heart SB838
103Eye Believe This is my Heaven PS835
104Kitti Kat Towanda of Curlzz SRL829
105Shelli Vasan's Halwa At Rissa SF785
106Havacat's Kateagain Teamaker HB762
107Scottisfoldery Donner SFL736
108Christina Sweet Miracle BS730
109Bearbrook Brown Eyed Girl BG702
110Rissa Mirror SF657
111Havacat Maltdonna Meltdown HB642
112Rissa Miror of Eliza SF641
113Hopecats Smokey Robinson MC611
114Autumsun Agave Blue OL589
115Willowblue Private Mollie Bean 47NC AS573
116Hylanderclan Dixie Belle TA563
117Cwtchycats Rockets Red Glare RD558
118Rosecottage Mooseberry RD512
119Blupaw Honey Boo Boo DR486
120Bengalislandcat Winterberry BG481
121Mykros High Hopes CR476
122Articeclipse Fire and Ash SB474
123TKurisumasu Kiracho of Jewelsofmine JB465
123TBaldfantasea Elegant Black Dress SX465
125Mainesail Sunrise Ruby MC458
126Italiadolls Jackson RD453
127Hirsheez Red Maxx HI449
128Platon Kis BS437
129Night Castles Painted Angel ES428
130Bengaltherapy SGT Silver Domination BG421
131Blupaw Rio Dancing DR399
132Bob-Mignon Rio Raya of Catoos KBL391
133TNada Never Go Outta Style DR388
133TJellybeantoe Delta Dandy SI388
135Hirscheez Selena HI386
136Sasha?Nie?Ny Urwis SB378
137Candieland Davines DR351
138Diamond Look Adam MC340
139Gahlee Reba Mc-N-Tired AS331
140Posh Keeper SX324
141Platteviewpixie Hairy Pawter PBL316
142Sportingfield Easter Lily MC314
143Clockworkcatz Olaf RD310
144Justakatz Raven Countess MC309
145Rissa Delta Force SCS304
146Rakiscats Xhosus N an BA302
147TDarkmoon Genuine Charm BG299
147TFlorideabengls Hoss Catwright BG299
149Hopecats Sofi Tukker MC289
150Darlinlildolls Blue Horizon RD280
151Rags2dazzle Phenomenal Phoebe RD272
152TUsapurrs JFK RD255
152TCeasarheadcoon Hermosa MC255
154Sacchidananda Sunnys Black Diamond BA244
155Nada In Your Wildest Dreams DR219
156Gahlee Dolly Purr-Ton AS217
157Elviskitkat Justify PS215
158Moanamcaramc Dreams R 4 Ever MC214
159Sunnyshores Ocean Is Love RD206
160Mysticoon Marguerite MC203
161Bamagulfpawz Artic Storm MC201
162Livinglegend Purrincess Diana PB198
163Ivyroseragdolls Michelangelo David RD196
164Carolinameows Sassafras Island MC194
165TCJPaws Mathew Braelon MC191
165TJE RIS Natalia of Hylanderclan TA191
167Qeenly Person Family Stars MC183
168Willowblue's Miss Molly Brown AS180
169Sportingfield Nicodemus MC178
170Sartoris Aelusine AS176
171TRimggo Raganddoll RD174
171TBarmont Sunny Side Up CR174
171TJustakatz Mackenzie Of Moanamcaramc MC174
174Ivyroseragdolls Silvery Startust RD173
175Wyndchymes Chilly Down JB172
176Caterablu Daisy RB164
177Floridabengals Floki Morgan BG163
178Russellers Mr Mayhem Of Catcartel AS159
179Curlzz Dior SRL154
180Toreador White Magic of Autumsum OL148
181Justakatz Tiny Terrorist MC146
182Boromeibengals Seiko BG141
183Fourcade Tabby Cat OS139
184Nissekatt Hans Solo NF138
185Rainforest Rico Suave of Gulfbeach BG137
186TCatpal Krasnyy Ketamine KBL132
186TNada Mercury's Delilah DR132
188Mainesail Jackson Dancer MC130
189Sundaribengals Running Rampant BG116
190TCurlzz Beatrix SRL115
190TBearbrook Loverboy BG115
192Rumblepuff Par For The Course BI111
193Willowblue General PAtton AS90
194Livinglegend Ali Mcclaw PBL89
Championship Cats
Rank Name Breed Score
1Gilvtales Sir Fuzzy Butt HI11446
2Willowblue's Kaidu BG11213
3Star Olympus Maquiavelo of Riverbin PS11007
4MTNest JR of Mainevu MC10347
5Pur-Snickitys Abracadabra PS10139
6Willowblue's Gen Stonewall Jackson AS9882
7Highlandkatz Marine Rain SRL9122
8Blupaw Electric Barbarella DR9116
9Penelane Far Away Eyes SI8906
10Livinglegend Duchess Furgie PB8629
11Willowblue Gen Tecumseh Sherman AS7972
12IvyRoseRagdolls Michelangelo David RD7869
13Riterags J J RD7720
14Horoshun Ishmer Bravo of Curlzz SRL7322
15Elviskitkat The Greatest Showman PS6974
16Silverstorm Ottos LEgacy of CapstoneBG6775
17Maricipan Family Stars MC6772
18Synergy Altair of Higrove BA6003
19Tortiesrus Mangusta JBL5915
20Machita Quentin of Scottishfoldery SFL5829
21Americurlzz Catchew O Liberty AC5729
22Tortiesrus Polaris JB5671
23Purrluxe Sterling Zazzlenchrome BS5097
24Barmont Just One Look CR5018
25Barmont Waiting To Exhale CR4996
26Pur-Snickit Thunder of Elviskitkat PS4979
27Lildarlynns Silver On The Flipside MNL4867
28Mainevu Ring O Fire MC4537
29Wyndchymes Changes JB4201
30Sumarum Fabio Storm of Darkmoon BG3729
31Quiet One Family Stars MC3661
32Odin Des Furoles d'Ajol SRL3519
33Kelcobber Starbeam Set Sail BS3371
34Catiators CH53 Super Stallion OC3333
35Locustastyle Fire2therain of Jagcat SCL3276
36Lemniscata Bernoully Lavanda OS3128
37Floridabengals Ragnar Marles BG3048
38Rakiscats Regor OS2994
39Caterablu River Blue RB2945
40Chaldee Jazz Singer BS2933
41Barmont Daisy Mae CR2873
42Sunnyshores Bahama Mama RD2804
43Blueriver Kodak Moments AB2685
44Havacat Tony Teamaker HB2634
45K-LA Henry TH 8th BS2576
46Sacchidananda Blusafire of Autumsun BA2531
47Carolinameows WerewolfislanderinvadeMC2505
48Wavemakers Coat With Many Colors SR2296
49Shadeaby Vronsky of A1 Xquisicat AB2280
50Baldfantasea We Believe I Can Fly SX2226
51Ragnificentdoll Lexi of Rags2riches RD2039
52Purrluxe Sterling BS2009
53Carolinameow Marie Laveau MC1914
54Catcartel Hillbilly AS1868
55Samlilah Mozarts Requiem PS1852
56Countrysiderags Sapphire Rose RD1819
57Riterags Lookie Lookie Lou RD1769
58Magnoliastar Blynkyne SB1741
59Iruskha Lakota OC1728
60Cwtchycats Rockets Red Glare RD1723
61Willowblues Two Ton Tessie AS1599
62Riterags Katherine RD1564
63Bluerivers Copy and Paste AB1554
64Broadsway Millinocket MC1551
65Chocolatefactry S Yuengling MK1509
66Wyndchymes Deacon Blues JB1463
67Webecoons Baloo of Carolinameows MC1437
68Carolinameows Bana Bana Cabana MC1375
69Rakiscats Tupile BA1366
70Tortiesrus La Ferrari JB1354
71Synergy Masha of Alchemy OL1326
72K-LA Freckles of Pearadise BS1306
73Sacchidananda Sunsationel BA1302
74Chaldee Blue Silk BS1281
75Sal-Shire Sweet Pea RD1269
76Sacchidananda Precious Blue Star BA1210
77Baldfantasea Doo Wah Ditty Ditty SX1177
78Munchkinlane's House Advantage MK1169
79Bengalislandcat Hot Streak BG1151
80Tortiesrus Casalini JBL1125
81Highlandkatz Shaken Not Stirred SR1117
82Night Castles Night Fury ES1082
83Elviskitkat Shadowskatz PS1071
84TCaterablu Katie RB1050
84TSacchidananda Sunnys Blue Diamond BA1050
86Silverstorm Phantom of Valleykatz BG1045
87Carolinameows Rumble In The Jungle MC1042
88Purrluxe Lord Baxter BS1030
89Rakiscats Vardah OS1017
90Bearbrook Luna Rossa AB988
91Shelli Vasan's Halwa of Rissa/WC SF981
92Myzots Buzz of TCB/ID ES970
93Carolinameows Polka Dot Pattie MC959
94Rissa Cica SCL941
95Fluffy Grace Elias SF935
96Gobsgobblins Akasha of Shelgren SX931
97Featherland Martin of Andredie NF880
98My Butterfly Kalypso RD877
99Livinglegend Miss Furrah Pawsett PBL861
100Rodondits Kenzy AS708
101Lottarags Camille of Oakside/CF RD664
102Mainelyclassic Kiss Me Kate MC654
103Sleepy Eye Forget Me Not OS646
104Filat Han Tengri Of Sleepy Eye OS635
105TCompasscatz Polaris RD634
105TRakiscats Xhosus N'An/CF BA634
107Elviskitkats Sweet Emotions PS633
108Tortiesrus Aprilia JB620
109Angelicbengals Valent of Willowblue BG596
110Rakiscats Umoth VIII BA595
111Abysaint Samurai Of Ostracats AB587
112Rubyclaw Clover Belle BG573
113Bodaciousbrits Cornflower Cookie BS560
114Tri-D Marilyn of Caesarheadcoons MC543
115Bengaltherapy Buddy Buspar BG542
116Shadeaby Topaz of A1 Xquisicats AB534
117Rakiscats Baron Rai Moritani SI522
118Elysian Valhallan Ice Warrior BG519
119Fourcade Tabby Cat OS514
120Samlilah Giuseppe PS502
121Blueriver Dis Mischievous World JB501
122Catbery Tail Hazelnut of Gilvtales HI485
123Sasza Sniezny Urwis SB484
124Bellapalazzo Wynter of CountrysideraRD483
125Carolinameows Lilly of Sassietat MC477
126Taric Phoebe of Rumblepuff/CF BI472
127Hermes Nevada/ID BL461
128Rissa Delta Force SCS453
129Sphyxangels Saorla SX449
130Walnuthollows Nanook of Yukonca/CF AS443
131AZWegie Scarlets Fire NF419
132Sportingfields Easter Lily MC416
133Floridabengls Hoss Catwright BG406
134Sportingfields Nicodemus MC405
135Baldfantasea U Put Me On The Spot SX381
136Aluren Shanaya TG372
137Purrluxe Leopold BS355
138Coberman Thom of Mainelyclassic MC340
139Kamkai Boo Boo PD338
140Bodaciousbrits Tussy Mussy BL326
141Mainelyclassic Sundanz of Mainesail MC325
142Catpal Feliks Focalin Fudge KBL322
143Diamon Anzbor MC320
144Riterags Keowee Cutie RD315
145Betelgeuse*ru Honda of Lahoni PD309
146Minipurz Lilos Adventures MK308
147Jabulani Bolt/WC DR278
148Sporting Fields Love Bug MC277
149Scottishfoldery Allana My Love SCS273
150Wildlegacy Sugair BG271
151Sonoita Cast A Spell BG223
152Fluffy Grace Yuno/WC SCS211
153Tilsim Dan Elektra SO207
154Solanaranch Juliet Capulet BG202
155Riterags Peaches and Cream RD199
156Nightcastles Flaming Jabberwocky ES198
157Riterags Isabella RD197
158Gilvtales Miss Madeline HI193
159Highlandcatz Babbaloo SRL188
160Riterags Fidelity RD186
161Gobsgobblins Beausoleil of Shelgren SX179
162Sassietat AJ Dude MC176
163Floridabengls Romeo BG173
164THolyfold Catty Arbuckle BS165
164TWildnsweet Phoenix Rising BG165
166Chester Amalirr OS160
167Satoris Ameila AS159
168Catpal Svoboda Strattera KB155
169Angelsiam Mysticals Honey Rose BG154
170TSilverstorm Crown Jewels BG153
170TJoleigh's Hercules of Ell Tee PS153
172Nada God Save The Queen DR148
173TBeaubarr Ebony Of Koby Kapp PS145
173TRaggato Ford/FI RD145
175Sunnyshores Salty Kisses RD144
176TChiffondolzz Jacques of Sal-Shire RD143
176TCaesarheadcoon Hermosa MC143
178TFluffy Grace Eclat SCS142
178TOaksides Code Blue of Pagatos RD142
178TPrimalbengals Parca Maurtia Dono BG142
181TLunarrami Kylo SX140
181TAsterix Bastetto *UA MC140
183USApurrs Twinkle Twinkle Lil Star RD130
184Katsmists Bobby Roni AUM129
185Purr-Star Earth Angel HI117
186Elysian Staardust of Sakura BG109
187Wildlegacy On A Wing and A Prayer BG105
188Curlzz Beatrix SRL104
189Vintage Tracy SX95
190USApurrs American Kaleidoscope RD75
Rank Name Breed Score
1MTNest Lord Nelson of Higrove MC10969
2Panei's Duke Venomania/CF ES10856
3Sazikatz Yuengling of Mixologies TO10594
4Carolinameows Furrari of Kattarose MC10586
5K-La Trubrit Travis of Katzablanka BS9826
6Compass Rose Fancmagccharm of Ku/CF OS9572
7Catcartel Bustafurr Jones Junior AS9372
8Ginchika Who'sthatgirl of Fujica/CF JB9227
9Wyndchymes Its Party Time!/CF JB9097
10Bolemur Red Kingohearts of Jagcat SCL9051
11Sassietat Hi Ho Silver Dude MC8457
12Catcartel Brown Dirt Cowboy AS8376
13Autumsun Little Boy Blue OL8230
14Sayang Ms Princesa Lea SG7999
15MTNest Momentary Lapse O Reason MC7732
16Wavemakers Kingslayer SR7237
17Highlandkatz Tangled Up In Blue SRL7113
18Je Ris H'Cane Matt of Hylandercl/CF TA7075
19Blueriver Renegade of Andredie JB6710
20Pentaclecats Touched By Magic AB6507
21Peneland Peaky Blinders SI6449
22Chome Chai Fleurdelune of Andred/CF AB5982
23Shadowlawn Valiant Viktor SB5025
24Highlandkatz I Love Cheap Thrills SRL4677
25Sterlingcatz Dynamic Dmitry SB4271
26Rumblepuff Paint The Town Red BI3725
27Charjanie's Just Chillin'/CF SI3416
28Cormier Wild Baby Anoki PS3361
29Roni Dumny of Eowyn NF3329
30TNTDolls Niko Living In A Dream RD2894
31Shrekberian Lord Benjamin SB2852
32Elviskitkat Mister Cuddles PS2768
33Havacat Macho Guapo Montecristo HB2588
34Kawaiikats Keiko Catsui JBL2463
35Raggymay Claudette of Sal-Shire RD2439
36Yasmine Family Stars MC2386
37Shelgren Kiss My Sass of Tiniru SX2204
38Bearbrook Mac Dubh of Kapekatz AB1991
39Highlandkatz Son Of A Gambling Man SRL1869
40Gulfbeach Wild Eyed and Wicked BG1785
41Bravlion Shaka Zulu of Blupaw ES1647
42Gilvtales Just Jack HI1551
43Katzeye Faster Than A Silver Bullet PS1550
44Wyndchymes Crimson Samurai JB1478
45Big Ben's Hyacinth BS1346
46Rubyclaw Angus Lir BG1173
47Purrluxe Leopold BS1071
48Havacat Macho Guapo HB1070
49Sal-Shire Kozmic Blues RD1047
50Autumsun Agave Blue OL998
51Tranquility Butterball HI972
52Autumsun Moonshine BA965
53Mysticmelody Oscar Delarenta SB845
54Carolinameows Bentley MC821
55Bravlion Walk The Moon of Blu-Pa/CF ES819
56Fujicats Haiku JB709
57K-LA Violets Sweet Dream of PurrluxeBS703
58TRussellers Silver Doller Catcartel AS685
58TNfusion Infusion Uv Insanity BO685
60Etonnant Walk The Runway TA665
61Thatsthepoint Mor Sake Mor Happi JB625
62Gaia Lavender Moon DR577
63TMuse Scottie of Usapurrs SFL541
63TKatzeye Cream-of-The-Crop/CF PS541
65Rubyclaw Cheetah Spirit BG530
66Rainingrexes Poppi Longstocking DR520
67Katzeye Picasso of Coppelia PS479
68Maytime Freddie Mercury TO428
69Usapurrs Black Bean Bunbun RD421
70Purrsia Nestor PD401
71Rakiscats Vanye OL383
72Red Ferne Blue Boyou of Spricey AB301
73Pur-Snickity Ma To Bear of Coppel/CFPS300
74Tremethick Shadowdancing Thru Time MC288
75Shrekberian Lord Bartholomew SB275
76Sunpride's Harmonia of Catpal/ID KB244
77Alchemy That Darned Cat SI237
78Dreamsong 2 Out Of 3 Ain't Bad OC236
79Sinas Little Giants I Love You MC219
80Tremethick Enchanted Dreamcatcher MC151
81Rags2dazzle Remi of Ragsbdazzled RD145
82Poolside Dallas Cowboy BG134
83Cajunragdolls Dancing Bull RD120
84Purrtek Kono TO115
85Calicoon Too Hot To Handle MC82
Household Pet Kittens
Rank Name Score
1Supro Dual Tone of Blueyonder 5800
2Florida Straight of Wavemakers 5681
3Ashes To Ashes of Blueyonder 5592
4Rebelnever Gets Old of Blueyonder 5576
5Dantes Pique of Curlzz 5324
6Cant Believe Its Not Butters 5297
7Sphynxangels Georgie Porgie 5078
8Bonnie Von Bon Bon 4788
9Punkin Pie Of Carolinameows 4697
10Pixie Lee 4632
11Huitlacoche 4576
12Yanki Doodle Dandy 4501
13Widdle Maine Mystery Man 4488
14Lil Willow of Willowblue 4422
15Jill 4125
16Jack 4114
17Purrcy 4067
18Woogy Oogy Oogy 4006
19Cassidy Cricket 3870
20Figaro of Curlzz 3739
21Indiigo 3733
22Miss Sassafras 3663
23Count Choccula 3546
24Angus Mhor of Kapekatz 3460
25Sissy 2693
26Quency 2656
27Jazzie Tazzie 2452
28Delilah 2281
29Willowblue's Aonna 2257
30Duon 1963
31Munchkinlane Be1 Azure Norma 1956
32Willow Dean 1909
33Uncle Scrooge 1897
34Munchkinlane Be1 Azure Pinky 1846
35Scotty 1708
36Doc Charmer 1615
37Tazzie 1605
38Cheeto 1596
39Bareenough Kai Wulf of Atreyukatz 1451
40Ginger Snap 1408
41Pedrro 1324
42Lt Dan 1132
43Wyatt 880
44Penelope Le Pew 782
45Zandi-kat of Nada 747
46Clara 715
47Calee Anne 709
48Tiana 699
49Valentino 693
50Elmo 606
51Ronni 574
52Nero of Kapekatz 490
53Dorrie 429
54Cindy 373
55Kayzeye Faster Than A Silver Bullet 302
56Cookie 272
57Chloe 265
58Miley 234
59Kristof 210
60Novacore Commander 165
61Mixer 121
62Mr Ash 110
63Rhinestone Cowgirl 90
64Bender 79
65Merida 71
Household Pets
Rank Name Score
1Pierrot of Blueyonder 10784
2Ragnar Shaggy Breeches 10691
3Maximus Puss 9617
4The Last Chance of Elviskitkat 9520
5Little Speckled Kitty Cat Iris 9377
6Latte and Cream of Carolinameows 9363
7Grumpy Minnie Mouse 8663
8Marilyns Beauty Marks 8618
9Professor Chaos of Careycats 8398
10Ghost 8128
11Ringgo 7996
12Bob Our Dreamweaver of TNTDolls 7861
13Novacore Commander 7622
14Steven 7336
15Sissy 7334
16Sergi of Wavemakers 7169
17Chubby Checker 7116
18Handsome Man Gabriel 6843
19Abbygail Brown 6822
20Purrcy 6431
21Krissy 6424
22Lady Cougar 6216
23Ebonys Midnight Mystery of TNTDolls 6175
24Knee Moe of The Sea 5960
25Rappa Tapp 5397
26Smokey and the Bandit 4275
27Broshi 3713
28A Blue Eyed Girl Named Mishka 3575
29Terrytoons Heckle 3521
30Aiden Gwydion 3073
31Sexys Back 2915
32RebelNever Gets Old of BlueYonder 2754
33HRH Bonnie Von Bon Bon 2403
34Cheeto 2400
35Lil Dantes Pique of Curlzz 2357
36Mighty Thor 2310
37Manny Quinn 2192
38Secret Squirrel of Careycats 2136
39Lulu 2093
40Chilly 2021
41Beretta Justice of Kuki 1856
42Cookie 1825
43Sir Bit 1628
44Loris Sweet Adie Girl 1626
45Ambrosia 1551
46Daggers 1528
47Joylee 1461
48Here Comes Trouble [SE] 1322
49Dawson's Avenue 1284
50Viola 1261
51Monet 1107
52Clara 1031
53Hermione 980
54Blue Skye Over The Rainbow 965
55Master Bob 950
56Dreanna 913
57Em-Li 882
58Master Thememoryremains Bubba 851
59Dr. Jeckyl And Mr. Who 835
60Winter Solstice 825
61Miss I-40 798
62Tahitian Pearl 793
63Our First Noel 748
64Allume's Back To The Future 736
65Tiggy P 716
66Dusty Blue 601
67Ilona 539
68Willow Dean 533
69Bashful Beryl of Careycats 529
70Mida 518
71Nekee 491
72Kaliopee 457
73Maximum Chunkofcoal 451
74Cinder Ella 417
75Zaida 410
76Rube Dee 385
77Dennis The Incredible Kissy Cat 380
78Fuzzy Bunny 373
79Perdita 351
80Stella 341
81Captain Hook 313
82Meows-A-Lot 281
83Prince Harry 264
84Snowball 253
85Pippy 241
86Here Comes Trouble [EW] 210
87Ethans the Heart of Callie 188
88Pixie Lee 176
89Tater 164
90Lily 153
91Yanki Doodle Dandy 150
92Jake 121
93The Bat 118
94Cant Believe Its Not Butters 82
95Indiigo 71
96Tori 63
97Chloe 60