Halima Galip of Kayserai
1 5 29 2017/10/14f DAK 184 184
2 6 33 2017/09/30b DK 177 361
3 6 29 2017/10/14f CL 173 534
4 6 29 2017/10/14f SL 173 707
5 7 37 2017/09/16d JA 170 877
6 9 38 2017/09/30b WK 149 1026
7 3L 14 2017/10/14f CL 141 1167
8 10 36 2017/09/30b TJ 136 1303

Region: SC
Shows: SC=3

Points shown above are estimates based on show reports and are not official scoring.