Lubbock of Strayinc
1 3 13 2018/02/16a DA 190 190
2 8 13 2018/02/16a TK 135 325
3 9 15 2018/02/16a DA 126 451
4 9 13 2018/02/16a FM 124 575
5 9 13 2018/02/16a AW 124 699
6 9 13 2018/02/16a CB 124 823
7 10 14 2018/03/02b RH 114 937
8 7S 11 2018/02/16a TK 94 1031
9 8S 12 2018/03/02b CS 84 1115
10 10S 11 2018/02/16a CS 61 1176

Region: SC
Shows: SC=2

Points shown above are estimates based on show reports and are not official scoring.