El Zaburs Catch Me Kiss Me of Garnic
1 3 26 2015/09/12e FM 203 203
2 5 23 2015/11/07i KC 178 381
3 7 26 2015/09/12e HDV 159 540
4 2L 11 2015/09/12e FM 149 689
5 3L 13 2015/11/07i KC 140 829
6 3L 11 2015/09/12e HDV 138 967
7 9 26 2015/09/12e SS 137 1104
8 4L 13 2015/11/07i JA 129 1233
9 4L 10 2015/09/12e SS 126 1359

2015/09/12e = 
2015/11/07i = 

Region: SC
Shows: SC=2

Points shown above are estimates based on show reports and are not official scoring.