Mangala New Moon of Psepia
1 4 26 2015/06/07a KY 192 192
2 4 26 2015/06/07a KY 192 384
3 3 15 2015/06/28a HIT 192 576
4 6 38 2015/05/24a MO 182 758
5 6 26 2015/06/07a YK 170 928
6 8 39 2015/05/24a NY 161 1089
7 7 26 2015/06/07a NY 159 1248
8 9 40 2015/05/24a EO 151 1399
9 1S 9 2015/06/07a MI 148 1547
10 1S 7 2015/06/07a MI 126 1673
11 3S 8 2015/06/07a YK 115 1788
12 1S 6 2015/06/28a HIT 115 1903
13 7S 26 2015/05/24a SL 109 2012
14 7S 26 2015/05/24a YK 109 2121
15 3S 6 2015/06/28a EO 93 2214
16 4S 6 2015/06/28a MT 82 2296
17 4S 6 2015/06/28a MK 82 2378
18 4S 6 2015/06/28a RD 82 2460

2015/05/24a = 
2015/06/07a = 
2015/06/28a = 

Region: AA
Shows: AA=3

Points shown above are estimates based on show reports and are not official scoring.