Kinglands Ms Millicent of Purrdocz
1 1 23 2015/12/04a EB 222 222
2 6 34 2015/09/26b HY 178 400
3 7 44 2015/12/12e MA 177 577
4 6 30 2015/11/14d DL 174 751
5 8 45 2015/12/12e DJB 167 918
6 1L 16 2015/11/27a EBR 165 1083
7 8 41 2015/09/26b HY 163 1246
8 8 32 2015/11/14d RW 154 1400
9 8 23 2015/12/04a DC 145 1545
10 9 24 2015/12/04a FM 135 1680

2015/09/26b = 
2015/11/14d = 
2015/11/27a = 
2015/12/04a = 
2015/12/12e = 

Region: GL
Shows: SC=2 GL=2 SW=1

Points shown above are estimates based on show reports and are not official scoring.