Hotzcats Liam of Siam
1 3 30 2015/04/24e SS 207 207
2 4 29 2015/04/24e ANG 195 402
3 5 30 2015/04/24e MG 185 587
4 6 27 2015/04/24e PB 171 758
5 8 30 2015/04/24e TJ 152 910
6 2S 12 2015/04/24e PB 150 1060
7 9 31 2015/04/24e LD 142 1202
8 4S 13 2015/04/24e ANG 129 1331

2015/04/24e = 

Points shown above are estimates based on show reports and are not official scoring.